Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 My eight-year-old brother is really jealous and wanted to know why he could n't come .
2 Though I spent my outdoor time playing any game I could , from cricket , tennis , football or boxing at the local gym , all my indoor time was spent buried in books .
3 I was very determined that drama activities would play a central role in the English curriculum , and I found my Working Group were unanimous in supporting this approach .
4 In this respect my Working Group were following the path already trodden by the Swann Committee .
5 Because Kingman was deemed unsatisfactory , my Working Group was chosen carefully by Mr Baker , with the assistance of Mrs Angela Rumbold , Minister of State at the DES , to reflect a more conservative stance to the teaching of English .
6 My Working Group was small , only nine in number , including myself .
7 Throughout our discussions my Working Group was very anxious to compose chapters which would make clear our rationale to teachers and politicians of good will .
8 My Working Group was solely concerned to allow teachers the freedom to choose , and to prevent another media extravaganza about essential books in the canon .
9 My spacious room was infinitely more cheerful than the sunless box in the Novotel but , it must be admitted that , probably because the hotel has captive custom for most of the year , it is n't perfect .
10 That I maintained my usual composure was to me a miracle , and once more we were on our way to the frontier .
11 Shortly afterwards my usual medication was changed .
12 Shortly afterwards my usual medication was changed .
13 My usual reluctance was reinforced on that occasion because I should have been doubly embarrassed to admit to the Dutch travellers that I was a Member of Parliament .
14 My usual method is to sit down and jam my elbows into my body .
15 My adoptive father was the son of a South Shields shipyard worker ; he had managed to get a job as an office boy .
16 I 've seventeen weeks and my total gain is seven pounds , which is on target . ’
17 This was an ambition of mine too but a busy working life restricted my activities , and since retirement Anno Domini has done the same , my total bag being no more than a meagre twenty .
18 And they did n't work so many hours , I worked er I do n't know whether I told you this last time but er I worked , my normal week was sixty six hours , sixty six hours for five shilling .
19 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
20 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
21 I opened my eyes — everything was as it should be , although my next-door neighbour was having a party and the noise of music and chatter was plainly audible .
22 My sole regret is that feed-back from A. S. M. members has been patchy .
23 ‘ When I went to the Slade my sole intention was to become art master at some comfortable school .
24 ‘ When I started out eight years ago my sole aim was to contribute to the national team , ’ said Roxburgh .
25 The only thing miraculous about my hypothetical story is the coincidence between my being struck by lightning and my verbal invocation of the disaster .
26 My private beach is down there . ’
27 ‘ I do n't think my private life is any of your business , Mr Bryce . ’
28 My private life is none of your business , ’ she said tightly .
29 My private life is absolutely none of your business whatsoever , and I 'll thank you to keep your little pearls of insight to yourself . ’
30 so he said I said I do n't have to tell you where I were last night David , I were out , so I said even if I were in it 's none of your concern I said what I do in my private time is up to me , he said well why was n't you there ?
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