Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 If , however , like Bilinda from My Bloody Valentine you 're singing tender entreaties to your partner or questioning the nature of love , then you 're saying something universal and good .
2 My dear George YOU WILL not thank me for congratulating you on a lucky escape .
3 My dear chap you could n't put them in a work of fiction .
4 I trust my dear Eliza you are still well and that you received my letter .
5 Yeah , something stupid , and they knocked on the door , do you know what I mean , the most kids it 's like , it 's hiya Matthew , hi aunty , they knock on the door , I want to play with Hannah , I want to play with Matthew , Mat has , Mat has got to go out and play with them , and it 's my Milky Bar you ca n't not can I have one of your sweets Mat , my mother said I , I can have one of those sweets .
6 I 've already informed them confidentially that as my future wife you wo n't be interested in continuing to work for them . ’
7 It 's my humble belief you only did it to hurt me , oh yes , spit on the bourgeois , épater the middleclass , oh aye , get your own back on Mr Grant and me for our fitted carpets and crinoline toiletroll covers when you grew up on berr linoleum in a singelenn' in Bridgeton .
8 no , that 's my lucky day you pratt , not yours , mhm
9 And my poor mam you know , she used to scrub her hands with erm it was n't Dettol it was Lysol in them days was n't it what they used to use .
10 Well I got word from Street that er I was to take my full month you see .
11 This is my fucking heart you 're using as a football .
12 And if Matey complains about their rapid disappearance you may tell her that I have developed a passion for them ! ’
13 They took it on their on their They went with their ponies in their little barrels you see , and they went on horseback over it .
14 Still right in her black jeans you know lucky black did n't go all over it .
15 But they 've all got their good lines you see .
16 But equally she is likely to take considerable exception to the arrival of any stranger and in her current mood you would probably end up with mincemeat ( mincefish ? ) .
17 And then Saturday , it meant they got off on the Sunday and the Monday , they got their long weekend you see , when they reached the Saturday .
18 A gurgling burn looms before you and in its cool streams you immerse your weary feet .
19 Pre-1575 Byrd is unevenly represented on record , and to experience its various facets you will have to assemble many scattered performances .
20 It 's not you and your change , it 's them and their changing view you are considering , as well as you .
21 Visual art has a rich and abundant language , and by learning to express and translate its varied vocabulary you gain not only the power to explore personal truths or create unique images , but you have the opportunity to show a rare insight into this diverse and extraordinary world .
22 If you 've ever used one of their guides , you know that even with their excellent directions you can spend half a lifetime driving round vast industrial estates .
23 He says unless you know what goes on in his daily life you do n't realise what he goes through .
24 When you come to analyse his splendid breakfasts you find that with slight changes he might almost be describing a nineteen-sixties , chop-house revival period , West End restaurant lunch .
25 But when the PM sends his personal invitation you can scarcely say : ‘ Sorry I 'm washing my hair . ’
26 But as his anointed teache er as his anointing teachers you
27 To reach his new apartment you had to use the old tradesmen 's entrance : past the service elevator , down four flights of stairs , along a corridor with a linoleum floor .
28 I 'm impaled on the blue flames of his blow-torch eyes you see . ’
29 ‘ Under your frail petticoat you were naked .
30 Then in your friendly way you start a cross-examination .
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