Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That was the whole point and the way , it was like , he could he could hit , he could , he could hit me or go like that to my hair or run his fingers through my face , rip all my clothes up , you know what I mean , not rip them off , rip them up !
2 It was n't that I was doubting my faith or denying the reality of my becoming a Christian , but rather that , though I had genuinely believed ten years earlier , my commitment had been intertwined with the emotional comfort of sharing the beliefs and way of life of my family and certain friends .
3 That you do n't take it upon yourself to plead my case or to point an accusing finger at Sandra . ’
4 Nobody 'd let me wheel my bike or carry my bag .
5 In these cases I either have to wait for a passing walker and ask for assistance , try to reverse my direction or take the plunge and risk damage to chair and body .
6 ‘ It 's come into my parlour or get sliced into pieces with the lasers . ’
7 ‘ I 've stood there blindfolded while Dave shoots balloons out of my mouth or throws razor-sharp axes at me .
8 I try to lead as normal a life as possible and not think about my condition or regret the things it prevents me from doing , which are not that many .
9 There was no bell to sound my coming or going , no wearing out of someone else 's carpet and electricity ; no animal to be disturbed from sleep .
10 There is no way in which he can free himself from my control , not unless I lose my nerve or allow him to be abducted by some plagiarist , and not unless I allow any of my own present personal dilemmas connected with my own personal escape to lodge unbeknown to me in the words which make up this fictional character .
11 You can either wait until my return or leave a message through my office at the above address .
12 You can either wait until my return or leave a message through my office at the above address .
13 I was never assaulted , never kicked out of my home or sacked , even though I seemed to be inviting it .
14 Because of the way in which my visit to the judges and the prison was arranged , I am quite confident that no ‘ set-piece ’ situations or activities had been organized just for my benefit or to create a more favourable impression of the judicial system or the detention centre .
15 He threw me across the front seat , and the choir applauded — whether this was for my benefit or to register approval for Quigley 's strong right arm was not clear .
16 Ah that that was that was yes that was really what I was going to er behind my question or included in my question , is that what did you learn from that
17 For three years now , I 've carried this pack with me from place to place — a penance , a mortification , a burden that weighed as heavy as sin — thinking never again to open it , never again to be asked to take out my chisel or swing my mallet .
18 But at the very least it should be signed by the manager , and should I full , I 've got a full set for everybody in my team or does n't that matter .
19 A welter of figures shot up telling him when I had started work , how often I took a break to scratch my nose or eat a mint and exactly how many key strokes I 'd done all evening .
20 Is it my imagination or does the tranquil state of mind the car encourages contribute to these things ?
21 There was such a deep gulf between the stern , dutiful world of my aunt 's upbringing and my schooldays , and the kind of lotus-land I seemed to have fallen into during the last year , that I had sometimes felt , when I bathed my baby or sat giggling in the park with Sophie , that I was taking part , not in real life , but in some wildly unrelated dream .
22 I 'm not ashamed to own my Lord or to defend his cause maintain the honour of his word , the glory of his cross !
23 My poor mother , I am sure , could n't determine whether to commend my prudence or berate me for my lack of romance .
24 Wondering whether to take up my life or walk right out of it . ’
25 I sometimes hear the same impatient intonation in my voice or catch a glimpse in the mirror of a certain thin-lipped expression which is peculiarly hers .
26 Even now I 'm struggling to stop myself going for a jaunt around the room though I know this will inevitably lead to me lying on my bed or sitting on the floor in a mesmerised , trancelike way and staring into nothingness as if stoned .
27 I am not allowed to dispose of my property or live in it .
28 My reason or excuse for this is that interest in scepticism has revived .
29 And used to happen twice a year and erm sometimes somebody 'd remember my birthday or find that I had my birthday or and at Christmas time we used to get some money .
30 He has a habit of giving me messages for my dad or asking about the family that does n't go down well .
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