Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] that he " in BNC.

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1 I sat in many a night myself when you were all younger , waiting for that piss artist of a father of yours to come home , knowing in my heart that he was down the Bayswater Road , spending desperately needed money on old brasses .
2 It proves my case that he has n't been in touch again .
3 He made such a great hole in my gum that he had to stitch me up afterwards . "
4 And whilst I have gone to Middleton 's grave in the village of Mildenhall , I have found that I could in no way criticise his rejection of my plea that he stayed with the Pathfinders .
5 I beamed up at my future Uncle Richard , asked him to give my love to Margaret and Dickie , my regards to the General and Co. , and added my hope that he would have a good holiday .
6 It has always been my hope that he did n't trouble to bestir himself even when we had gone out of sight .
7 I have now resumed and read enough to assure my correspondent that he is lucky that his impatient reminder was directed at me and not at God , whose response to murmurings about the unforeseen delays in reaching the promised land was smiting with pestilence .
8 I telephoned him at home immediately and told him about the fatigue failure , adding my recommendation that he should order the examination of all UK registered Boeing 707/300 stabilisers for signs of similar failure at the earliest opportunity .
9 Surely there was an austere pride in the words of Thoreau when he wrote that he was regarded as the least important man in his village , and there is no doubt in my mind that he must have savoured the aroma of that rare emotion .
10 That effort marked him as a classic possible and his work on the gallops leaves no doubt in my mind that he has trained on and can dispose of Azhar on his way to better things .
11 It has come into my mind that he needs a wife , one of his own kind , to keep him company .
12 I 'd made up my mind that he would like some of my work .
13 Customs are different on our world and it is my fault that he does not yet understand what is expected of him . ’
14 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
15 It was important for my self-esteem that he was a successful , sexually confident person who wanted me .
16 He shot a 69 , three-under-par , and although it was n't leading , it did n't change my thinking that he was going to be there at the finish .
17 It was not my intention that he should die .
18 I was prepared to be rock solid in my refusal to resign and in my insistence that he withdrew that damning memo . ’
19 It 's just come to my attention that he might have corresponded with Christabel LaMotte .
20 It is also my opinion that he can not read .
21 He has tried to overcome it because you are so much his inferior and it is my opinion that he finds he ca n't and that vexes his proud heart .
22 I told my husband that he had this problem .
23 ‘ It was on my instruction that he telephoned you , ’ Ven cut her off .
24 A : I was trying to convince my friend that he could fly
25 One day I suggested to my father that he buy me a pair of binoculars .
26 They proposed to my father that he make a list of all our properties in Palestine so that they could buy them .
27 His most famous champion , Jasper , would even turn and , by his demeanour and stance , ‘ tell ’ my father that he was not right , when directed to go in a wrong direction in pursuit of some unfortunate , injured but running , bird .
28 He told my father that he could see my father 's guide and that proof was possible : all my father had to do was relax on a bed , say the Lord 's Prayer , then call out the name Massa .
29 I reminded him of my advice that he should not have renounced the Upper House so speedily .
30 Jesus did not actually say that John would survive until the Second Coming , but , ‘ If it is my will that he remain until I come , what is that to you ? ’ ( 21:23 ) .
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