Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] by [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 While Britain had given the United States wholehearted support in Korea , she had also shown her independence by what the Americans saw as over-precipitate recognition of Communist China , and by Attlee 's personal efforts to dissuade Truman from extending the war to mainland China and from using atomic bombs to settle the conflict .
2 In effect the competitive labour supply function had been supplanted over most of its range by what may be called the ‘ trades union labour supply function ’ , illustrated by the bold lines in Figure 5.1 .
3 In the aftermath of the Orthodox Church leaders ' summit in Istanbul last month , when the assembled patriarchs spoke — as much in sorrow as in anger — of the proselytism addressed at their flock by what was carefully described as ‘ certain elements ’ in the Catholic Church , the mere presence of so benign a Catholic as Cardinal Hume in Moscow could well encourage local Catholics and Orthodox alike to reassess any confrontational attitudes to one another and to concentrate rather on their common ground , thus furthering mutual respect , concern and understanding .
4 Her splendidly white skin and fine neck were shown off by a square décolletage , messy swathes of lace tied over her bosom by what seemed a white shoe-lace .
5 In the latest in a series of incidents , an animal grazing on Mithian Downs , near St Agnes , Cornwall , was wounded on its forehead by what appeared to have been a sharp instrument .
6 As long as the public is not prevented from choosing one thing in preference to another , people will express their choice by what they are prepared to pay for the one compared with the other .
7 Yet despite the iconic status of Van Gogh 's ‘ tragic ’ life , it is the appearance of his work by which he is ultimately signified , his thick impasto brush-stroke , his vibrant yellows , the urgency of his creative drive .
8 On the contrary , Montaigne argues that the legal procedures common in the Europe of his day by which " under the cloak of piety and religion … neighbours and fellow citizens [ were allowed ] to tear by rack and torture a body still full of feeling , to roast it by degrees and then give it to be trampled and eaten by dogs and swine " were a more horrible form of savagery than anything he had described as prevailing among the Brazilian cannibals .
9 Here we can see a rather different perspective on the human alienation which Lukács describes ; in Foucault 's account , Marxism 's attempt to reproduce the totality in itself falls within the terms of his argument by which totalizing theories of history are based on an anxiety derived from the break-up of its unity .
10 An option is , typically , a contract , a deed or a provision made by a testator in his will by which one party grants to the other the right to buy property , from him or his estate , at a future date .
11 She defines your status by what you do .
12 If there is any justification in using them , it 's not that they accurately reproduce the eighteenth century , but that through them we can clear our way back to it through all the nineteenth-century ironmongery put in our way by what , musically , I regard as a particularly corrupting and polluting century .
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