Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] must [be] " in BNC.

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1 After speaking to Glumdalclitch and questioning me again , he realized that my story must be true .
2 My responsibility must be to truth , not to society , which is corrupt .
3 ‘ I do n't see television as an institution , nor as a continuum of programming into which my work must be fitted .
4 The light may be flickering wildly , but my head must be clear , my thoughts steady .
5 Somewhere along the line my name must be on the airframe section of the Form 700 .
6 ‘ It 's obvious to me , since you ca n't possibly be paying all the mortgage on your flat without help , that my cousin must be paying something towards it . ’
7 The letter from the plaintiffs solicitors in respect of question of interest one causes , the letter of the twenty ninth of January of nineteen ninety two , asking Mr to confirm , that in addition to the settlement figure of forty two thousand pounds in respect of costs he 'd be paying interest until the date of payment , and er , there was never a mind that erm which find a reply to in , in thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two by Mr , there 's no unqualified agreement in figure of forty two thousand pounds , I do not wish to appear obstructive but your clients must recognise that there are effectively two issues to be resolved , namely the payment of their costs and the division of the parts of other property , surely in all parties interest that none of these are resolved , so it is surely in all party interest that those , those are resolved contemporary and then the letter goes on to dealing with questions of valuation , the bottom paragraph on page thirty two in the bundle says in answer to your letter therefore is that there is no agreement to pay interest , if there is then my client must be credited with interest on his costs , and then it says surgery and finally if ove if overall agreement can not be reached then my client reserves his rights on the issue of costs and I feel that this could lead to an acrimonious and protracted taxation , at the end of the day I suspect it would only be enforced the order for costs about taking a charge in my clients interest in the surgery premises , does that improve your clients position at all , as I say that was the position of the thirtieth of March nineteen ninety two and during the remainder of nineteen ninety two there were then further negotiations , some of them appeared to have been carried out er personally between er doctor and er doctor which seems to of been the partner , dealing with the plaintiffs position and er he says about his non negotiable offer at page forty one in the bundle apparently attached to a letter of the twenty first of December nineteen ninety two and er that had a time limit on , the twenty second of March , there was a reminder on the twenty second of February and erm the plaintiffs solicitors wrote on the fourteenth of April nineteen ninety three raising the question of costs erm say that erm we have now received your clients instructions , that they would be prepared to accept the sum of forty two thousand in respect of their standard basis costs which is inclusive of V A T and disbursements , you remember that our initial schedule of costs which I set part of my letter of the eighth of October total fifty thousand , nine hundred and ninety eight pounds , twenty six pence , in addition to this our client would require interest from the which is as of todays date at seven hundred and sixty days at seventeen pounds , twenty six a day totalling thirteen thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds , sixty , in the circumstances I look forward to receiving your clients cheque for the sum of fifty five thousand , one hundred and seventeen pounds and sixty pence within the next seven days and then it says I believe you were certainly agreeing have been very patient concerning your clients costs , but now we wish these to be paid and that was responded to er Mr on the twenty second of April er but why he quite has not been directly involved in the conversation for some time and there was not reasonable expected response for seven days from him , er and then he goes on to say that although he appreciates his firm is still on the record , I shall seek instructions from my client , but it maybe he would wish to give notice of acting in person and indeed that is in fact what happened , what happened in this case .
8 ‘ The women in my family must be .
9 Plowman J stated at p596 : The arrangement in my view must be looked at as a whole , and looked at in this way , I find it impossible to say that the Respondent did not provide the trustee with an income … in the sense in which the word " provided " is used in [ what is now TA 1988 , s663 ] ; that is to say , as importing an element of bounty .
10 Clearly , I can no longer be expected to run up and downstairs , the very thing all heart patients must beware of , and clearly my mother must be moved .
11 This means that their permission must be gained before any company can either go through their land or start up operations on it .
12 4.20 Where clients are thought to be or are known to be a risk or danger to themselves , other clients or other people and are admitted to a residential or day care facility , their progress must be explicitly monitored by the officer in charge who should keep the line manager informed .
13 She repeatedly says that inflation is too high and that its reduction must be the Government 's overriding priority .
14 ( 1 ) Official figures indicate that one in five of southern Italians and a quarter of Greeks and Portuguese work in agriculture , although the numbers significantly dependent on it for their livelihood must be considerably higher .
15 Surely , she thought , her son-in-law must be sadly disappointed by the casual way his wife accepted his courteous gestures , the obvious irritation Liza tried , not very successfully , to mask when he made some ordinary but perfectly reasonable remark ?
16 States that ‘ the essential characteristics of Green Belts is ( sic ) their permanence and their protection must be maintained as far as can be seen ahead ’ .
17 Finally , its admission must be seen as an advantage to the security industry and to the BSIA .
18 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
19 Their budget must be equal to or greater than the minimum total cost of supplying the expected output .
20 On the night , he bought himself a ticket , watched Dinah from the stalls — how could she remain so cool , so competent , when her heart must be torn , as his , by reason of their separation ?
21 But their teaching must be false , or else no one would be saved . "
22 Its feathers thrash , its heart must be drumming like a motor ,
23 Any curvature or flaw in the line of its keel must be countered by a rudder , with consequent loss of energy .
24 ‘ A healthy situation should be the first object that ought to fix the attention of the Society — because there is no person but is very well convinced that a marshy and low Ground exhales very unwholesome and putrid vapours which affect the bodies of individuals that may be exposed to their action either through the pores or attracted by the breath , or otherways by the Food and Drink — if these particles will affect healthy bodies , their effect must be much more pernicious on diseased animals , therefore the Veterinary Infirmary should not be established in an atmosphere continually charged with particles destructive to health .
25 For the system to work at all smoothly from their point of view , the estimates of inflation built into the Treasury 's cash target for their department must be accurate .
26 Their functioning must be managed , and this takes management time .
27 The standing of the University in terms of both the quality of its teaching and the significance of its research must be viewed in the light of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act of March 1992 .
28 Its appraisal must be made by reference to the market position and the economic and financial power of the parties ; to alternatives available to suppliers and users ; to access to suppliers or markets ; to the structure of the markets affected , to take account of international competition ; to consider legal and factual barriers to entry ; and the interests of consumers and the development of technical and economic progress ( provided that the latter is to the consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition ) .
29 Unfortunately its future must be uncertain in these changing times .
30 As Eva went into the hostels she realised the Salvation Army was not there to turn people into converts , but that their work must be an extension of Christ 's love : " Jesus Christ did n't say to the man who was filled with many devils — the schizophrenic — " If you follow me I 'll cure you .
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