Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [subord] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour because he has looked upon his lowly handmaid Yes , from this day forward all generations will call me blessed for the Almighty has done great things for me .
2 ‘ Jaz ’ laughed and ‘ accidentally ’ trod on my foot as he made his way to take his first throw .
3 My ex-husband if he can afford holidays in Bermuda I 'm sure he can afford children .
4 Other ones here , an anonymous call from Birmingham , I have been beaten up weekly by my ex-husband because he 's been told to pay more .
5 In the meantime I asked my vet whether he would let me have some sedatives to put into her food .
6 At the end of the afternoon 's events the Head makes an emotional speech praising my athleticism , my versatility , my stamina and my humility as he kneels at my feet to present me with the ‘ School 's Outstanding Sportsperson of the Decade ’ award .
7 I was standing mouth wide open afraid of what was going to happen next , but I practically jumped out of my skin when he yelled at me ‘ to stop gorpin' an' fill the kettle ’ .
8 For a long time , I adored him at a distance and could n't believe my luck when he started showing an interest in me . ’
9 It was my blood because he had given me mouth to mouth resuscitation .
10 Harry 's breath felt like the blast from a sauna door against the back of my neck as he cropped pungent cedar shoots along the way .
11 Yet there raged the good captain , demanding satisfaction over a minor matter of bread , when I promise you that the King will pay far less heed to my action than he will when he hears of yours .
12 And when a half-page profile of Jean-Claude appeared in Le Nouvel Observateur I really could not make up my mind whether he was more genuinely displeased than pleased .
13 I ca n't make up my mind whether he is the kind of guy that would be tempted by that sort of dead end job or not .
14 It was sent by a sad Manc git using my Id cos he 's too scared to use his own — if anyone wishes to reply to his infantile shite they can send them to him at the following address …
15 It will be my fault if he dies !
16 ‘ It 's not my fault if he gets his head sawn off .
17 I sank even lower into my seat when he mentioned glasses , but he did n't seem to be looking at me .
18 Without a word , he leapt to his feet , turned and rushed past me , brushing my clothing as he went .
19 He gave me a hard stare , which said all that I needed to know about my fate if he failed to beat me .
20 Nevertheless , as my sister records : ‘ I recall vividly sitting next to him at table and the feeling of awe at actually passing things to my hero as he had then become . ’
21 ‘ It 's crazy that he even refused to use my blend when he must have known it was working well … ’
22 Maybe Errol picked up on my mood because he said something offensive about a lady I regarded with deep affection .
23 And of course my boss because he had n't listed what we 'd seen
24 I was just about to offer him my pen when he produced one from his carrier bag : a grotty looking biro with a chewed end .
25 Did more damage to my marriage than he did to my house .
26 Werewolf avoided my gaze as he sipped wine .
27 ‘ Clinton 's sex appeal shot up in my opinion when he became President . ’
28 To mark his disapproval of my doing so he gives me the wrong ticket and some change , of which the amount , as far as I can see , bears no relation to any previous transaction between us .
29 ‘ I suppose you 'd rather I was clothed in a voluminous sack ; then your beloved Dane would n't be able to ogle my body as he normally does . ’
30 I ca n't worry my husband because he 's not well and I do n't want him to think I 'd make any difference .
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