Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You fitted into my heart as if a space had always been there waiting . ’
2 We 've now moved on in part of question your question five B and erm in my response to that I 'm suggesting , and I hope it 's not just semantics , picking up the point made just before we broke for coffee , is that there 's all sorts of things called the countryside , and this policy is is directed at the open countryside .
3 The nature of the child 's condition is more likely to influence my decision on whether to use centesimals or 50 millesimals .
4 Esther says of Mrs Jellyby : her voice impressed my fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too Ch 8 and of Mr Turveydrop :
5 Going to sleep or opening a book : an old garden , a childish fear , a face seen casually and quickly forgotten , would take possession of my mind as if there had been no time between .
6 Seventy-five years later , whenever I feel the sun on my face , it springs as fresh in my mind as if it occurred yesterday .
7 I am grateful to my editors at Viking Penguin , New York , and Victor Gollancz Ltd , London , Amanda Vaill and Joanna Goldsworthy , for their patience and understanding as I kept changing my mind about whether the work was finished .
8 I crammed my mouth with for fear I might give utterance to my anger .
9 If you do close then it will pretty conclusively solve my dilemma about whether or not I could have afforded to tap 50 quid out of my grant for a subscription next term .
10 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
11 Then I got to work with some hard green soap I 'd found beside the sink , washed my make-up off as best I could , examined my face by the light of the torch in the little mirror hanging there , then tucked myself in .
12 So I went to meet her without my make-up on and demonstrated how I made myself up .
13 My hands dart indignantly about my desk as if they were offended mice , opening files , annotating minutes , picking up the receiver .
14 It 's tragic — there 's a chap along this road that I like to keep my eye on and it 's as long as it 's short — to lose your eldest boy .
15 We lie together beneath the crumpled warm sheet , and a tear trickles from the corner of my eye as if Jancey was dead .
16 My finery for when he entertains .
17 Rachel asks , touching my cheek as if to capture the thought .
18 Then he let go of my sleeve as if he 'd confessed what it was he had to confess .
19 I 'll go back to London , I 'll move to a new district , I 'll start seeing Sophie on a regular basis , I 'll do my job as if I were any competent lawyer , and I 've come here alone , you bastard , so why do n't you do whatever you 've got in mind ?
20 The visitor told me things about her which I did n't believe , but still I nodded my head as if to confirm what she had said .
21 The sound has been increased to such a volume that , as I turn my head as if from a physical blow , I notice rows of heads with their eyes staring wildly and hair blown back as in a fierce gale .
22 Letting the water buoy up my weight I stretched my feet down to touch bottom and found the water came up to my ears ; took a deep breath , put the rest of my head under and reached around for Harry , unable to see him , unable with open eyes to see anything at all .
23 So I try and cling to the floor of the cave with my bare toes , but I ca n't because it 's all smooth and there 's nothing to cling to , and sooner or later I 'll start floating upwards and then I 'll bash my head in and get killed .
24 ‘ Ach , I 've always got my newspaper for when they ca n't reverse .
25 I wanted to cry there and then but I was in the ward surrounded by people who would want to dam up my tears , so I stood up , put my jacket on and walked out .
26 He put his hand on my forehead as if I was running a fever .
27 Holding my tie as if for balance , he let me have his actor 's stare , right between the eyes .
28 He had the disconcerting habit of using my name as if he were addressing a butler or a chauffeur .
29 I did n't really understand what it was all about except that there were always sugar lumps in my pocket for when I did n't feel very well .
30 ‘ I lost a daughter and God knows I 'm going to hold on to my niece as if she was my own instead . ’
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