Example sentences of "[pos pn] [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A report on the Royal Navy by the Commons defence committee gave a dire warning of the impact of the cuts already under way , let alone those that my be in prospect .
2 At this point I saw for the first time , a really good reason for my being in Thailand as PCV .
3 It was against my will but I felt there was no use fighting it , because the social worker had many things against me , like my not going to see the baby , and my being in prison — there were many things against me .
4 One such conception is behaviourism , which provides a conceptual link between behaviour and mental states by saying that the mental state of my being in pain in my knee just is the behavioural state of my wincing and holding my knee , taking greater care of it and so on .
5 Or there are weaker forms of behaviourism which attempt to make allowances for concealed mental states ; for instance , one might hold that my being in pain in my knee is for me to be disposed to behave in a certain way , whether I actually do so or not .
6 ‘ Otherwise there 's no point in my being in Berlin at all . ’
7 ‘ I could n't quite understand how you leapt from my knowing your parents to my being in cahoots with Ryan .
8 ‘ You spoke of my being in danger — what has all this to do with me ? ’
9 All these booklets are o on display just inside the general office , Right , now another way contact my is in Cardiff , I know yours is n't up to local or if no it is n't it
10 All too frequently choirs and musicians , as well as servers , are taken for granted because of their being in church Sunday by Sunday .
11 Throughout the period of their being in care there have been regular appeals to the sheriff court .
12 The time limit for enforcing an expert 's decision is the same as that for enforcing other contracts , six years if the contract to refer to the expert is under hand , twelve in the unlikely case of its being under seal : s5 and s8 of the Limitation Act 1980 .
13 An action to challenge a decision must , generally , be brought within six years of the decision where the contract to refer to the expert is under hand and twelve in the unlikely case of its being under seal : ss5 and 8 of the Limitation Act 1980 .
14 Five minutes later , however , she became only too aware of other members of staff who were trickling into the social club as their shift ended and suddenly , mindful of the interpretation that had been put on her being with David Markham on the last occasion they had visited the club , she finished her drink and stood up .
15 Ma-in-law did n't like the idea of her being in Norfolk with the Whistler on the prowl , not with me working the hours I do . ’
16 can , can I just move on to one other issue that I 'd like to look at er , because I think we 've covered that reasonably for the moment which is , how , how will you find love ? , ninety three people said their , their were in love , seven said they were n't , of those seven were , you 've never been in love , was it , have , have you wanted to be ? , would any of the seven who voted no at the beginning , yes
17 He had only gone out socially with his secretary for after-work drinks and may then have only been less formal than if her were at work . ’
18 Then what have you to say to my argument , which is that by not going off the rails , man is destined to live meanly and dully , and in that way corrupts the true purpose of his being on earth ?
19 The Greek word for this is koinonia and the fact that God reveals his being as persons-in-relation , the Trinity , tells us something about the relational nature of personhood .
20 Barth insisted that the God with whom we have to deal makes himself known in and through Jesus Christ as the Father , Son and Holy Spirit , and that this is the real key to his being as God .
21 One thing is certain , that the last Lord Derwentwater , not long before his death , was frequently at Keswick , but according to Green it is not equally certain , that he then ( as is affirmed by some ) inhabited the house upon the island ; on the contrary , it rather seems that his being at Keswick , was only on visits from his family place at Dilston .
22 Love always , Cleo was Caroline 's nickname , Caroline who was responsible for his being at Goldenhurst .
23 It was approaching the end of the season , of course , but he intended to make a first flying visit to Aphrodisias , where some old friends of his were at work , and then to spend the winter on research in libraries and museums , and have the whole of the following summer for field work .
24 If you find it too much , or your are in pain , stop and take a rest .
25 For this reason , those around us benefit from our being in love with God .
26 Perceiving on a re-perusal of one of Mr Prince 's letters that you are all feeling apprehensions of our being in danger from the natives , I hasten to relieve you from that alarm .
27 Michael Brunson tried a rude personal question , but by the time it had been translated into official interviewese — ‘ Would you accept that there are worries about your being in Downing Street ? ’ — it hardly sounded like a question , let alone a rude question .
28 Your is in Berkshire .
29 Your is in Berkshire .
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