Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] place at " in BNC.

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1 He and Broughton carried the dead body of Hilary Frome from its resting place at the top of the stairs , and laid it on the bed in the sick bay .
2 Amongst the challenges faced by P&O Distribution was the task of moving two giant bronze hands , weighing in at around five tonnes and valued at £50,000 safely through the heart of London to their resting place at one of the entrances to Chelsea Harbour .
3 Born the son of a bank official , he was 23 when he made the five-week voyage to Britain aboard the Northern Star armed with an Auckland University degree to take up his scholarship place at Balliol College , Oxford , in the early 1960s .
4 Today , Kevin is studying for a thesis-based part-time MA with Warwick University , since the British Academy , which funds some post-graduates , could not afford to cover his DPhil place at Oxford .
5 Sharpe counted eighteen infantry battalions and four squadrons of cavalry , one of which , composed of Dragoons , rode very close to his hiding place at the wood 's edge , but none of the French troopers glanced left to see where the Englishman and his dog lay in the shadows .
6 One thing is certain , that the last Lord Derwentwater , not long before his death , was frequently at Keswick , but according to Green it is not equally certain , that he then ( as is affirmed by some ) inhabited the house upon the island ; on the contrary , it rather seems that his being at Keswick , was only on visits from his family place at Dilston .
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