Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 By my judgement as the amendment reflects is that it is n't necessary but if it were I would have no hesitation s whatsoever in increasing the level of taxation to pay for what needs to be paid for .
2 I became very proud of my wounds as the pain grew less , and I enjoyed flashing the bandage around to gain sympathy , until one night , after a couple of months , the nail fell off without warning .
3 Some of it got into the car and irritated my eyes : I had to take a hand off the steering wheel to rub them and it was almost wrenched out of my grasp as the car lurched into a hole in the road .
4 I had to have my share as the two lads ate theirs and watched ‘ Neighbours ’ .
5 It certainly keeps me on my toes as the children alternate between bouts of great industry and water fights !
6 I held my breath as the announcer introduced the players for the first match .
7 For ten minutes I never saw my float as the fish cruised up and down .
8 My life as the wife of a veterinary surgeon is surrounded by animals and dominated by the telephone .
9 I had come to the top of a long hill , so steep that the wheelbarrow was almost wrenched from my hands as the descent began .
10 My thoughts as the ball went through the posts ?
11 The line must have tangled , because the next thing I knew , or rather felt , was a searing pain in my thumb as the hook dug in .
12 The Maggot , who refused to wear a seat belt , shoved his throttles forward , and I felt the sweat trickling down my belly as the brakes were released and the small plane thundered down the rough surface .
13 Sister saw my wince as the policeman removed himself .
14 At times I felt like cutting my throat as the depression conjured up by the story spilled over into the auditorium .
15 Mark 's wife Sharon spoke of her horror as the jumbo crashed .
16 Its form was settled in the fifteenth century , and well before 1485 there was no longer any doubt that the House of Commons was an integral part of Parliament , as necessary to its existence as the Lords : no statute was valid without its consent .
17 At the same time , its existence as an element depends on its being distinct from other elements .
18 Rowing Red Alligator over its hurdle as The Banshee falls at the first .
19 Last autumn President Bush said that what was wrong with the Soviet Union was not so much its ideology as the fact that it had had an ideology at all .
20 A dolphin dives with its lungs filled , and copes with the crushing effects of pressure at these depths by collapsing its chest as the water pressure compresses the air in its lungs .
21 The warm evening air brushed her face and tugged at her hair as the car sped south .
22 She raked it through her hair as the voice came again .
23 Duncan looked at the men in the back , incongruous in their camouflage as the vehicle hurtled on down the country lane .
24 Yorkshire took Sachin Tendulkar to its heart as the young star of India struck a mighty blow against racism in cricket
25 Jezrael felt her glands pour rivers of adrenalin into her blood as the emptiness of space swallowed the flames , smothered the roaring lungs of the explosion .
26 The pupils at the £3,465-a-term school , boys and girls aged 16 and over , are to be interviewed by police at their homes as the school has broken up for Easter .
27 Nevertheless , it was clear that he was still not fully back to his old self because the tough links courses took their toll as the round wore on .
28 Then she emptied her mind as the sweat poured .
29 Mrs Balanchine frowned and concentrated , trying to hold the tortuous grammar in her mind as the question was formed letter-by-letter .
30 What was a nun doing , hurrying in the opposite direction in the rush hour , flashed into her mind as the nun spoke .
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