Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] and has " in BNC.

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1 Alan Harding , having worked with me on numerous occasions , knows my limitations and has allowed plenty of time .
2 Dr Halden is married to my daughter and has taken her on an extended tour of the Continent . ’
3 BELVILLE : [ aside ] That such a girl as this , cottage-born , who owes everything to my family and has an absolute dependence upon my pleasure should find me resistible .
4 ‘ I have made no provision for my son Robert other than the bequest of £100 because he has been the recipient of my bounty during my lifetime and has nevertheless caused me sorrow and trouble on numerous occasions . ‘
5 Established in 1984 , Infolink 's Payment Profile Service was the first service of its kind and has played a particularly valuable role in support of responsible lending decisions in the consumer sector .
6 A Bosnian baby with just three months to live has arrived in Britain and been rushed straight to hospital.Adisa Blagiyach has a tumour on her heart and has been brought to this country for life-saving surgery .
7 Their fame in this regard has been their undoing and has caused the needless persecution and destruction of countless millions of harmless reptiles .
8 Jo sees the theatre as the natural direction for her talent and has recently formed her own theatre company .
9 In spite of her angry and tearful protests Charles insisted on giving the token to the woman who had haunted their courtship and has since cast a long shadow across their married life .
10 In some ways Alison seems very cool about her condition and has remained detached from the experiences she is describing .
11 She is still agile but is unable to control her bladder and has anaemia and a recurring chest problem .
12 The unit accepted it was its fault and has apologised for the delay , ’ he said .
13 The department has an international reputation for its research and has a regular programme of seminars given by invited speakers .
14 The firm now employs 30 people , exports about 20 per cent of its pro-duct and has an annual turnover of £10m. in various currencies .
15 To help the customer select the ‘ right ’ style , the company constantly updates its stock and has recently added to its existing ranges Harlequin , Interior Selection , Today 's Interiors , Jab , Romo , Craig and Rose and Brian Yates makes .
16 Borders Regional Council has sought to listen and to respond to its electorate and has succeeded in drawing up a document that is widely supported in the area .
17 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
18 He 's converted to their religion and has adopted the name , Spotted Eagle .
19 Although one need look no further than the Institute 's mission statement to appreciate that it sees members ' interests as very much secondary to the public interest , it might be reassuring for practising members to know that the Institute , nevertheless , recognises their concerns and has taken proper account of them in determining its long-term objectives .
20 The Catholic Church has long insisted on its right of making due provision for the full range of the educational needs of its community and has invested heavily in making such provision .
21 She has to climb the stairs with the aid of her husband and has to lie in bed in agony most nights .
22 This has its merits and has been the practice in Sweden , but it is of value only if the central government departments then restrict themselves purely to planning , thinking and regulating .
23 Recent research has illustrated that the raising of the minimum age of entitlement for Income Support in 1988 has forced young people to be dependent on their families and has inhibited their transition to adulthood ( Harris 1988 , Whynes and ferris 1990 ) .
24 After her first five years apprenticeship she became involved with transport and it was here that she was destined to make her mark and has continued to do so for 37 years .
25 Unfortunately , for the traditional printing and graphic arts industries , the desktop publishing ‘ revolution ’ has taken place largely outside their control and has placed the capability to generate complex artwork directly in the hands of anyone with access to a computer and around £1,000 or less for the necessary software .
26 Friends point out she is mature for her age and has become accustomed to the cameras , as her relaxed style showed when she joined her father at the polling booth on election day .
27 The neurological dominance of the large human cerebral cortex has ensured that basic instinct has come increasingly under its control and has thereby lost its specific and rigidly determined character .
28 It can be a real privilege to meet an older person who has experienced considerable loss in their life and has come to terms with it .
29 The company now has 260 employees , up from 170 at its birth and has won Borland International Inc chief Phillipe Kahn over — ‘ Technically , it 's brilliant and Taligent is running much faster than I expected ; instead of being bogged down by the bureaucracies of its two large parents , Taligent seems to have taken the best of each company , ’ Kahn commented to the Journal , which notes that Wordperfect Corp and and Novell Inc are doing applications .
30 Tamazapam to help her sleep and has no problems with that , fair enough !
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