Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] give the " in BNC.

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1 My Lai gave the United States a chance to face this fact .
2 There was a long silence , that is long for a consulting room with a queue waiting outside , then my surgeon gave the hint of a smile and said , very quietly , ‘ Strange things happen . ’
3 ‘ It has to be the worst year of my career given the expectations I had when it started .
4 In the precarious situation that now confronted the government and the party , it was my duty to give the new Prime Minister loyal and sincere co-operation .
5 Although all firms that go into IVAs are automatically referred to the Institute 's Investigation Committee , the Committee 's policy is that it will adjourn consideration of their cases to give the arrangements time to work , unless there is evidence of fraud , falsehood or gross recklessness .
6 His craggy features dissolved into a breathtakingly attractive smile , and Robbie felt her insides give the oddest little flip .
7 Each touch of each finger seemed to burn through her sweat-shirt , and her insides gave the most awful lurch as he held her easily above the floor , his eyes fixed steadily on hers .
8 The children were only allowed to open the present she indicated and only after she had looked at her watch to give the go-ahead to tear the paper off ‘ It was completely mad , ’ says Charles .
9 There are enough big money players cut down in their prime to give the new boy nightmares .
10 Until these underlying images of individual and society are recognized , and their study given the explicit attention it deserves , the significance of geographical knowledge for social practice will not be realized , nor the constraints it currently imposes overcome .
11 They did not waste time there but headed downhill , taking the shepherds ' road that slanted luminous green between clusters of birches , their shadows stretching ahead like gawky giants so that the children jigged to make the shadows jump and curved their fingers from their heads to give the giants silhouettes like devils .
12 The sum of the first two gives the number of days in the week , the sum of all three gives the number of months in the year , and the sum of their squares gives the number fifty .
13 What I am suggesting is that Spenser 's texts offer glimpses of issues which Elizabethan culture found awkward to confront directly — a belief in the precariousness of its civilisation given the existence of savagery ( exemplified by other customs , baser classes , other religions ) confronting a self-defined orderly minority .
14 This was perfectly effective , since leaders knew how to motion with their instrument to give the tempo while playing , not to mention other techniques . ’
15 In Halifax , European and North American elements blend their influences to give the city a distinctive maritime character .
16 He has urged Unionist politicians to persuade their supporters to give the police any information they had about the terrorists .
17 To boost this low volume of activity the German banks who invested over DM 10 million in the exchange announced their intention to give the DTB preference in Bund derivative trading in 1991 .
18 Her feet were lodged in wide black-barred shoes and in their immobility gave the impression of being clamped to the carpet .
19 The squares of their moduli give the actual probabilities , as equation [ 3 ] says .
20 And what , pray , did Her Maj give the Amir in return ?
21 In their eagerness to give the government a ‘ bloody nose ’ , opposition voters supposedly flocked to the candidate best placed to defeat the incumbent Conservative .
22 The Company Patrons have committed their organisations to give the association substantial , planned support over a number of years .
23 The 1970 Act as enacted offered few compromises in its aim to give the nation a healthy atmosphere by the mid 1970s .
24 The cat looked like some great noble bird , a hawk or even an eagle , the golden streak down her nose giving the effect of a beak .
25 Her hand was retained and to her astonishment given the slightest but most certain squeeze .
26 If Protestant zealots were only partially successful in their attempt to sweep away the supernatural aura which had surrounded late medieval religion , their efforts to give the common people some grounding in knowledge of the gospels ‘ and a basic understanding of the Reformed theology of grace and salvation also met with only limited success .
27 The length of this Argand vector representation of ( ) gives the magnitude of the denominator of G ( ο); while its orientation gives the corresponding phase .
28 The zeal to conform and inform on their neighbours gave the Inquisition many willing helpers .
29 The French government gave no explanation for withdrawing its offer to give the Bosnians a plane , the spokesman said , adding that finally a prominent French businessman gave the refugees his private plane to use .
30 Most systems also have some method of assigning scores which rank competing hypotheses according to how well they match the constraints , or according to their probability given the evidence .
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