Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [vb past] its " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People were hugging and kissing each other as my car powered its way to the finish as they joined me in an early celebration .
2 British Aluminium own the land , and as soon as I realised I would have to trespass with a car , my imagination started its fevered travail .
3 Whether my knee found its target , I do n't know .
4 The following were among the findings reported at a conference in Anchorage , Alaska : — brain damage in seals similar to that found in people who die from solvent abuse ; this would have disoriented the animals and affected basic physiological functions like breathing ; it is suspected that many seals drowned , but because dead seals sink an accurate assessment of deaths has not been possible ; — the disappearance of a group of killer whales that had lived in the sound , possibly also due to the " solvent abuse effect " ; — deaths among sea otters not only from hypothermia ( because oil stuck to their fur destroyed its insulating properties ) but from emphysema caused by breathing in toxic fumes and from liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil ; — failure to breed among many species of birds since the accident , either because of the death rate within colonies at the time ( in the case of guillemots ) or because continued exposure to oil-polluted food sources is preventing reproduction ; — death tolls of up to 40 per cent for eggs laid by salmon , herring and other fish , and deformities and withered muscles among fish that did hatch .
5 Her hair lost its lustre .
6 Her heart regained its normal beat as common sense returned .
7 They gave it vows its teeth clashed its starvation
8 Her presence beside him had stilled ; her breathing lost its irregularity .
9 She sought refuge in small talk , but during the meal , in spite of herself , her blood began its crazy dance again as Luke 's golden gaze weakened her .
10 Both she and Prince Albert believed wholeheartedly in the value of photography and through their patronage encouraged its early popularity .
11 Maria sent him a smouldering glance as her mind screamed its resistance to the idea of there ever being anything personal between them , and every muscle in her body clenched in physical imitation of that wild denial .
12 Mrs Geary paused , as a musician might pause for a climax , while the water in her saucepan regained its just heat .
13 Their agribusinesses employed its labour cheap .
14 He shifted again , urging her to greater daring as her mouth continued its explorations .
15 Their campaign reached its height in the winter of 1861–62 at a time when the anxieties of both reactionary and liberally inclined sections of the nobility were intense .
16 She was relieved that her room had its own bathroom .
17 He paused , holding her entrapped by the power of his presence , as her imagination formed its own pictures of the pleasures her sex had provided for him .
18 He ground his lips against hers again , forcing his tongue between her teeth , making her whimper as her body betrayed its need .
19 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
20 Her body began its trembling .
21 Her courage had its limits .
22 But their price had its limits as the club already boasted a number of highly-priced internationals on its books .
23 But though the negative aspects of their relationship outweighed its benefits , their association had proved useful .
24 and her rosary draped its tactful vine .
25 The challenge to its authority increased its reliance upon the secular power , upon fines , torture , and execution .
26 I saw the Manor at Welshpool where a Class 37 and its passengers awaited its arrival .
27 Her dress blinked its myriad eyes and all the dresses , Ruth 's included , did the same .
28 And all the time its spirit worked its gentle influence on those who loved it .
29 Of course , if you want a particular example , certain squadrons like 617 had their own particular style of morale and nobody can say how that was acquired ; I think in a way its success produced its own style of morale in any event , and in this case one has to look no further than Guy Gibson .
30 Her voice regained its usual baritone boom .
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