Example sentences of "[vb mod] rather [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
2 The only complaint — and she was not really complaining against her uncle , perhaps I should rather say the cause for depression — was that from time to time she was very homesick and longed to see her mother and girls of her own age . ’
3 This suggests he is worried that those who can might rather walk the dog or paint the house than work for miminal benefit .
4 erm I do n't personally like motorways , I would I 'm terrified of the M twenty five , I 'd rather go the long way round I 'm afraid , but
5 That whole shopping trip was something I 'd rather draw a veil over , not because it was mildly larcenous ( okay , illegal ) but because my street cred would be severely dented if the saga got out .
6 What would you rather have — a charge or a general thinning out of staffing levels — and almost unanimously it was ‘ We 'd rather pay a reasonable charge ’ .
7 In a way I 'd rather pay the same and finish the mortgage earlier .
8 But I 'd rather pay the lot I tell you .
9 She 'd rather invest the money .
10 I 'd rather dodge a man than a stoat or a fox . "
11 I would n't be seen dead in a navy suit and I 'd rather give a peck on the cheek than a mock-male handshake .
12 I 'd rather face the Moor , starvation and anything else , than see Manfro Draper again .
13 ‘ Or perhaps you 'd rather finish the book and then come ? ’
14 After that I might do some washing — I 'd rather do a little each day than a large amount at once .
15 Harbury rattled on : ‘ I know he 'd rather make a statement later on and give it simultaneously to everyone .
16 Thanks but no-thanks , we 'd rather make the programme we want to , despite the horrendous budget problems .
17 ‘ I 'd rather handle the negotiations myself . ’
18 But I 'd I 'd rather use the headed notepaper , than that .
19 So I said I did n't want to deal through somebody who was n't really gon na be fighting in our corner , and I 'd rather put a paper to their committee an and tell them where the problems were , and ask how they were gon na get round them .
20 I 'd I 'd rather put the definition first , and have it develop
21 We 'd rather fling the money in their faces as a mark of defiance by our readers .
22 Then , raising his hands and giving a piercing shriek , he added : ‘ Actually , I think I 'd rather like the lead role in Home Alone 3 . ’
23 Are you really saying that you 'd rather see a rubbish tip than fairways ? ’
24 a cream , yeah , a cream telly you know , oh I 'll have that one he says when you sell it , oh Christ almighty , I thought I was , excuse me perhaps I , I would like a teletext one , just get , you know I do n't want , I 'm not sort I do n't like the colour , I 'd rather see a white one in the corner
25 So do n't come to me offering shares , because I 'd rather die a pauper than soil my hands with the blood that 's on your money , and there 's the truth o n't .
26 To enter , just send your name and address , together with your caption and choice of video — Derby or Forest — to : I 'D RATHER WIN A VILLA VIDEO COMP , ZZAP ! .
27 That looks a pretty good job , sweeping the floor , though I 'd rather have a go on the sweeping machine .
28 You 'd rather have a day out at York racecourse than at Headingley if truth were known , would n't you ?
29 Well , frankly , I 'd rather have a little mud than a hatchet thrown at my back .
30 I 'd tell my husband I 'd rather have a change of holiday and not go with our friends .
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