Example sentences of "[vb mod] also be [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For elderly people , there must also be concern that emphasis on reducing waiting times by contracting for services non-locally will impose serious hardship on those unable or unwilling to travel .
2 If doubt is caste on the taxonomic validity of the generic grouping called " Ophiophthalmus " then Ophiomitrella , Ophioripa and Ophiomelina must also be suspect .
3 There must also be condemnation for those who fail to take on the IRA , and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those who sit behind him .
4 Thousands of suppliers and sub-contractors must also be geed up which requires organising people from one end of the earth to the other .
5 He may sometimes be consultant and analyst ; sometimes investigator and policeman ; but he must also be negotiator and judge ; inspector , educator , and public relations representative .
6 Third , other places which feel the effect of soil erosion downstream in the form of deposition and floods must also be part of the place-based analytical concern for soil erosion for two reasons .
7 If aspects of CAB policy that the adviser questions arise during training , then it must also be part of training to show how advisers might try to influence CAB policy .
8 There must also be room for deliveries of bulk items , taking Institute subscriptions , taking membership subs .
9 The new Council hoped to provide evidence of unity by having unified positions on public questions and unified activities on the assumption that where there is smoke there must also be fire .
10 Consequently , Foucault remarked ( p 151-152 ) : " Time measured and paid must also be time without impurities or defects ; a time of good quality throughout which the body is constantly applied to its exercise …
11 Miss Williamson , for the bank , submitted that agency only was insufficient to found liability ; there must also be notice on the part of the creditor that undue influence would or might have been exercised .
12 If the underside of the roof slope is insulated , there must be a gap of 50mm between it and the insulation , and there should also be ventilation openings at the ridge equivalent to a continuous strip 5mm wide running the full length of the ridge .
13 At the Feb. 27 Országgyüles session , one representative called for seats in parliament for minorities , and another proposed that there should also be church representation .
14 There should also be legislation which will protect older people against bad practice and abuse in both private and public residential care and nursing homes and in hospitals .
15 The plant should also be self draining .
16 There 'll also be job losses and pub closures
17 Like the head of legal services in a giant company , the advertising agency 's in-house solicitor could also be Company Secretary and , as such , would have to take charge of the company 's stock , keep records , make sure the annual accounts are ready on time , set the agenda for board meetings and take the minutes .
18 Uu ; but it could also be AABBCC
19 There could also be tax help for home buyers and businesses .
20 ( It could also be theft , where there is no need for the disposal to be for the benefit of another . )
21 There could also be controversy over the executive 's rejection of demands for the age of consent for homosexuals to be reduced to 16 years .
22 It is unfair ( and may also be sex discrimination ) to dismiss a woman because she is pregnant , or for any other reason connected with her pregnancy , unless :
23 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
24 The insistence that Cnut intended Harthacnut to succeed to his entire kingdom may also be suspect , given the succession dispute which followed his death .
25 Quasars are starlike objects that must be many times brighter than entire galaxies if they are as distant as the reddening of their spectra indicates ; pulsars are the rapidly blinking remnants of supernova explosions , believed to be ultradense neutron stars ; compact X-ray sources , revealed by instruments aboard space vehicles , may also be neutron stars or may be hypothetical objects of still higher density , namely black holes .
26 There may also be scope for new approaches to the care of elderly severely mentally infirm people now in hospital .
27 There may also be scope for working with voluntary organisations .
28 There may also be collateral benefits .
29 Now that humanitarian sea lanes are to be open , does the Foreign Secretary accept that there may also be merit in the British Government promoting the idea of an internationally enforced sky protection zone over Croatia to prevent incursions and the further bombardment of Croatian cities ?
30 There may also be inheritance tax implications , so if you are thinking of leaving or giving your home to someone , you are strongly advised to consult a solicitor or accountant .
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