Example sentences of "[vb mod] have take a " in BNC.

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1 Also , do not allow a player to make the ball dead behind his own goal-line unless he is being tackled ; a player making the ball dead when there is no player within 10 years of him should have to take a drop-out from under the posts .
2 Although Pond praised him as a ‘ middle-class Englishman … the personification of all their sterling traits and sturdy characteristics ’ , there were problems over whether or not he should have taken a fee for giving a eulogy on his friend , Henry Ward Beecher , at Beecher 's Brooklyn church .
3 Tom never should have taken a driver because there 's a lot of trouble near the hole ( 316 yards , par-4 ) .
4 They clearly felt he should have taken a more manly approach to the brain tumour .
5 ‘ You should have taken a sleeping pill . ’
6 You should have taken a stat . ’
7 Looking back on it now , I should have taken a group of youngsters to grow on and not the adults .
8 I wondered if we should have taken a cab .
9 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
10 If you did n't like what was happening , you should have taken a curtain call and gone home , ’ he said coldly , totally without pity .
11 We should have taken a taxi , thought Mrs Grandison unhappily as she and Lady Selvedge , jostled by crowds , hurried down the passage leading to the northbound Bakerloo trains .
12 His trip should have taken a month .
13 ‘ When I got back I found I had left the garden door a little ajar ; she must have taken a chill .
14 I think I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere , because we 're certainly not at Threlkeld , where we ought to be by now .
15 But presumably he must have taken a shine , as the expression went , to Celia , particularly as he had gone to such trouble to seek her out and visit her at the Meadhaven Clinic .
16 He must have taken a thousand pictures with people .
17 He must have taken a shine to the jacket because he turned the corner — and never came back leaving the police red-faced .
18 At the top of the scale , business must have taken a number of leading men out of town at the time the assessment was made , including , for example , Robert Thorne , Merchant Taylor and a notable benefactor to the City ; worth more than £20,000 at the time of his death in 1532 , he must have been one of the very richest men in England .
19 BUDDY REYNOLDS ( Sound Off ) , October 27 ) it must have taken a real strike of genius to suggest that The Levellers ' manager bar their so called ‘ crusties ’ from their gigs .
20 He must have taken a cut in pay . "
21 Aeons ago , the waters must have taken a different path and the men who discovered the cave had chipped away the stalagmites to make a passage into the gallery beyond , the gallery where Melissa and Fernand now stood .
22 It must have taken a long time .
23 It must have taken a couple of hours or more to reach the machan , a platform raised on poles .
24 So it must have taken a long while ?
25 ‘ It must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent , ’ she called down the hatch to let him know she was back .
26 It must have taken a full five seconds for him to crumple Des , but he needs another three to get moving , and by then I 'm at his side .
27 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
28 He must have taken a short cut that she had n't noticed on her way down , as they arrived back at the house sooner than she was expecting and went straight to the veranda , where Faye still lay on the lounger , enjoying a long drink of iced water .
29 But then you would know about that — your business , that must have taken a fair amount of hard work . ’
30 She must have taken a knife to push the cord through , she said , there was hardly any room for it .
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