Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Erm and at that ti but other than that , mind you I su I suppose that if , if I 'd been at home I should have probably been expected to be in , but I do n't think I should have been locked out .
2 First approaches to Adult Education Authorities should have already been made for the Autumn term but it is still worth getting on their lists .
3 To me , a band with the profile of The Wedding Present , for Shaun to leave under the circumstances he did , it should have actually been a major story , ’ he says .
4 I was no more alert to my environment than a sick animal and I must have somehow been aware of that , because it was then that I remembered the starveling cat .
5 And though they too set social connection and sporting activities — hunting , combat , riding — above literacy , nevertheless it was possible to acquire learning at them ; the opportunities exploited by William V of Aquitaine , William the Conqueror , Robert the Frisian , and Fulk le Réchin — all regarded as educated men — must have also been available to some of those who were brought up with them .
6 And erm , one day we had friends round , and I went into the loo it stinks of smoke in here , it was really bizarre , and I , I went , and sort of just thought oh , and then I went in again , and I really did smell , and I thought , this is really odd , and so when I came out here I said , did anyone else smell smoke in the ba in the bathroom , and they said oh yeah , I could smell cigarette smoke , and then , it must have just been upstairs , and it wafted down , and in through ours , cos there was no one else really around .
7 The allies could , and should , do more to minimise the chances of further disasters ; they could , for instance , stop bombing Baghdad , where the targets of greatest military value must have already been destroyed .
8 The file must have already been opened for output and the file handle stored in " fnum " .
9 We must have both been thinking of Charlie , because he added kindly , ‘ Or a friend ? ’
10 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
11 All the lanes must have once been extremely important , but nothing on the map nor indeed on the ground suggests this .
12 We came into what must have once been a street .
13 She must have once been a child of the nursery school .
14 Three conditions apply : the claimant must be in paid working employment for 16 hours or more a week , suffer from an illness or disability which leaves them disadvantaged when applying for a job and must have recently been getting benefit such as income support , housing or community charge benefit .
15 Only the original ball can be used , and must have only been touched or handled by the player throwing in .
16 The shop , I mean there must have only been about five or six people in the shop .
17 Julius Ibbetson senior died in 1817 and although there is no mention of the Ibbetsons in between 1813–21 , the families must have still been in touch , although J. C. Ibbetson senior had moved to Yorkshire and he is buried at Masham .
18 The shock of what he 'd just seen must have still been on his face because he just shrugged and ran .
19 Plainly , since he had been aware that she had ‘ run away ’ from him , he must have still been in Prague that morning , and must have returned to that hotel suite some time after she 'd left .
20 and Oxford 's brains and boots must have still been in the dressing room as County hit them hard after the break with the winner from Tony Agana …
21 In fact it must have always been his intention , after this grand restructuring to retire , and in 1980 the PS elected Diop to be party president .
22 there must have always been asthma .
23 There must have always been asthma whether it 's
24 If Osman Abdelal and his sisters had climbed the furthest hill to the north , they might have just been able to see Mrs Zamzam 's refugee camp at Rashidiyeh .
25 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
26 Yes that 's right , it might have even been a little bit bigger than the back room , but very seldom used .
27 I mean enormous it might have even been fi but it , it had bedrooms and bathrooms and
28 Might have even been in then .
29 Had BR had more time and more funding , had the government been more sympathetic towards the railway investment and had there been no recession , the APT might have eventually been successful — but that is another story .
30 The overall effect on sensitivity may actually be negative because the focusing of attention on redundant information may be at the cost of attention to peripheral information which might have otherwise been useful .
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