Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 Then , curled up in bed that night , she told Fenna that she must not do it anymore , she must not wander off , he must not let her .
2 The user must not switch off the computer before this option is chosen as this could affect further use of the files on disk .
3 But even without the figures it takes very little imagination to see why this council must not put off any longer the construction and commissioning of the southern fire station .
4 The assessment should not trigger off frantic practising , but the ward sister can arrange for the student to have the relevant experience .
5 It was heartfelt and deep , but Theo should not run off with the idea that it was all laughter and light and the cooing of turtle doves .
6 On the other hand the United States should not write off in advance certain parts of Asia to communism without examining what might or might not be done .
7 Instead , they 've spent £1million on Dion Dublin , an unproven centre forward from the Second Division who may or may not come off .
8 If we do not invest our oil reserves wisely , for the future , we may not get off so lightly next time .
9 The area also has a giant new shopping centre at Teesside Park which may or may not kill off Stockton High Street .
10 have you ever , come on let's not wander off , have you
11 Anyway , they 'll not take off on time . ’
12 On the other hand , if ‘ the nation ’ — any nation — were not so vulnerable , its professional defenders could not skim off so much of its wealth as protection money .
13 The orders were very strict that one could not move off until the oil temperature was above the minimum and on this occasion I was quite determined to make up the time .
14 He contemplated becoming a teacher and giving up acting , except he could not shake off the desire .
15 In the winter of 1940–41 , having moved to Shamley Green , he contracted influenza which he could not shake off : he spent half of January and most of February in bed , and was still recuperating at home in March .
16 Yet it was a strange and contradictory fact that on those grim days when even the May blossom and the busy life of all the creatures around the Park could not shake off the ever present fact of the bars and cages of the Zoo and the imprisoned animals , Mr Wolski found silent comfort in the presence of the remaining golden eagle .
17 She could not shake off the effect of the dream despite Comfort 's kindness , and her muscles still trembled .
18 When she woke she found her hand covered with blood which she could not wash off until she went to church to confess to the priest .
19 But whether he went across the seas or not he could not pass off his own deeds under Robert 's name .
20 I was so disappointed to find out that , because I work for the company , I could not send off for three free tea towels and a £1 gift voucher being offered as part of a Hovis and JS combined promotion .
21 The raiders slipped in past the Macleans ' patrolling galleys , and killed and kidnapped , destroyed and looted , slaughtering or crippling what livestock they could not carry off and leaving the survivors to starve .
22 Jackdaws are supposed to be great collectors , but even a jackdaw could not fly off with the hands , feet and eyeballs of a four year old crammed into its beak all at once .
23 Here , because it could be inferred that the defendant knew that the police could not drive off while the van door was still open , he was aware that he was obstructing the police , and intended therefore to do so .
24 They called to him twice before he heard , and then he started and came after them at a rapid walk , like a man driven by some urgent pain he could not slough off .
25 No , she would not wander off again , she would go post-haste to England and Alain could get on with his intrigues and his high-powered business .
26 I was in Helen Blair 's house tonight … could n't do a thing to her , because her fuckin' wee brother ( about your age ) would not piss off .
27 His pit was earmarked for closure , his redundancy money would not pay off the mortgage and other work was scarce .
28 But , if so , it is hard to see how the dubitability of the non-basic beliefs which they support would not rub off onto the basic ones which support them ; surely falsehood in a non-basic belief would be a reason to doubt the basic beliefs which support it , once we have admitted that basic beliefs can be false .
29 Julian then found by laying three equal sized tubes end to end , they would exactly fit along a double bar between two uprights and would not roll off because the bars were near and parallel to each other .
30 The plane that would not take off without the khat
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