Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 The criteria which seem to be applied by both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in deciding whether leave should be granted are ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) :
2 Of course , the inevitable questions of what that foundation should consist of and when it should be built are answered by the claim that the period of initial training is too short and therefore such knowledge must be provided earlier by the academic course or later by in-service courses .
3 And at the top of the list of services that should be de-insured are accommodation and meal costs associated with hospital stays , argues Canadian Hospital Association ( CHA ) president Carol Clemenhagen .
4 These features of family life — which it should be re-emphasized are indicators of , rather than the reasons for , problems — include the age and maturity of the parents , burdens carried by a family , consistency and change in the lives of children , dynamics and support within the family , and the experiences and characteristics of individual family members .
5 The tighter control is thought to come about because many of the decisions about how work should be done are now taken in the office rather than on the shop-floor .
6 Among the questions which should be asked are the following :
7 Discussions about the number of houses in rural areas , their size and density , how many should be publicly or privately owned , owner-occupied or rented , where they should be sited and how they should be designed are often presented as purely technical exercises .
8 These jobs that should be provided are small and seasonal and overall development would cost local *
9 The quantity of goods to be ordered , and the time at which they should be ordered are major considerations .
10 Points which should be considered are :
11 Specific areas that should be considered are : ( 1 ) Pollution and environmental liabilities .
12 Others who should be sold are
13 ‘ The only cases where heavy damages should be awarded are where the words have been published out of malice , ’ said Mr Robertson .
14 Referred to as possible ‘ pitfalls ’ in the excellent manual , some of the more likely situations where erroneous deductions should be anticipated are presented .
15 Those prepared to fight for the principle that stories which advance the public interest should be published are usually vindicated .
16 Questions about how examination results should be interpreted are of interest in their own right but are also important in studies of school effectiveness and wider debates about how educational institutions should be evaluated and held accountable .
17 Issues which must be incorporated are the extent to which Latin Americans — either the educated elites or the mostly under-educated masses — are receptive or responsive to Marxist propaganda .
18 Among the questions which must be raised are the following : a .
19 The two further major reservations that must be made are first that the service is moulded chiefly by the doctrine of ministerial responsibility with all that flows from it — anonymity , one collective viewpoint , secrecy and a degree of isolation from the rest of the community .
20 The questions which must be asked are : i Do specialist multi-agency dementia teams provide a model for the planning and provision of domiciliary day and respite care for all or for a proportion of the sufferers in a community ?
21 The conditions which must be fulfilled are known as felicity conditions .
22 The causes of the disease are well understood and precautions that must be taken are simple .
23 Conservatives ( and Christian feminists also to some extent ) seek alternative ways in which the female can be symbolized in the religion , ways which it must be thought are less than satisfactory , and which become increasingly unsatisfactory as that for which women stand in our society changes .
24 Whether such finance will be made available and how it might be channelled are major themes in subsequent chapters .
25 Yet the circumstances in which ( 2d ) might be uttered are likely to be quite different from those in which the first sentence of extract ( I ) was uttered .
26 Indications of how this latter task might be done are offered but not developed in this article .
27 Some examples of the arrangements that you might be offered are :
28 Some of the contracts you might be offered are : hire purchase , lease purchase , lease , contract hire , balloon lease purchase and secured loan .
29 The plum tasks for which the Great and Good might be chosen are Royal Commissions or Committees of Inquiry , the device by which governments buy the days when faced with demands for change , political embarrassment , or questions too deep for quick political answers .
30 Examples of animals which might be chosen are pigs , horses , cows , cats , dogs , ducks and sheep .
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