Example sentences of "[vb mod] to be [that] " in BNC.

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1 Like , it used to be that [ place ] station might be attacked once or twice a year , like it was hit five times in one night this year …
2 The universal feeling used to be that such books belonged in the libraries they came from .
3 It used to be that if you wished something to look white on television you had to paint it yellow .
4 Litters today are so much bigger than they used to be that sows inevitably find it more difficult to avoid harming their offspring .
5 It used to be that causing trouble for the leadership was the surest way to a big NEC vote .
6 As Representative Mo Udall has colourfully put it , ‘ It used to be that when you met a chairman in the hall you bowed low and said , hello Mr Chairman ; now when you meet a chairman in the hall he bows low . ’
7 The argument for preordination used to be that God was omnipotent and outside time , so God would know What was going to happen .
8 And it 's changed they out-winter the beasts there now , it used to be that the beasts was in all the time in Winter .
9 Well one year it used to be that she come to us at dinner time
10 Well of course erm the basis used to be that many courts erm had written above them ‘ Police Court ’ and I think some of the older courts where this was sort of carved in stone may still have this above them , but Magistrates have gone to great lengths erm in recent times to emphasise this is not a police court , this is a magistrates ' court .
11 ‘ I imagine so ; there was certainly a big turnover … perhaps the answer to that question ought to be that I do not know .
12 If the general approach is fairly robust , it ought to be that the relationship between population and land cover is fairly stable , so that we would expect the model coefficients to be similar to those obtained from the ward data .
13 Rather than reducing the level of risk taking in general , however , the effect of a requirement to obtain adequate information ought to be that the chances of directors discriminating between legitimate and illegitimate risks are improved .
14 So what we need to be able to identify is that , al although we will gain the worst scenario ought to be that whatever we lose in terms of auto-off reports and units reports to some extent we should be gaining by the improved productivity overall .
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