Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] get [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yet we must not get their faith in witchcraft and magic out of proportion .
2 Irene still telephones regularly but I must n't get my hopes up .
3 Even on Berlin , Mr Kohl may not get his way .
4 People are led to believe they might not get their mail if they use the townland .
5 They ‘ got away with it ’ with a half in bogey at the 19th , but they could not get their four at the 20th , where Tom Waugh , the son , holed an excellent putt .
6 A spokesman said : ‘ At a bankers ’ conference in Brussels , the bankers could not get their hotels to cash their sterling travellers cheques .
7 In fact the Welfs could not get their letters through Philip 's lines and Philip was much stronger than Otto militarily and as time wore on attracting more of the princes to his cause .
8 She compromised with China in agreeing to the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 and with the Zimbabwean nationalists over the Rhodesian negotiations , when it became clear that she could not get her way .
9 Her heart seemed to swell in her chest — she could not get her breath !
10 Sharon , that 's it , I could not get her name last night .
11 The Labour leader added that the Treasury could not get its own estimates right .
12 ‘ I was weak , I could not get my breath , I was dizzy and my limbs were shaking , I have explained it all to you before now .
13 We could not get our courage up .
14 Now Dennis will not sit on any of the committees , well we simply could not get our view and the representation that we want if we did not have erm membership of er particular er committees .
15 It was n't so hard to do , the signposts were all in place and legible , yet he could not get his bearings .
16 Life could not get his attention .
17 One sentry almost drowned on his feet , for the wind had pinned him against a rock , and he could not free himself or even turn his face into shelter , while it dashed into his mouth and nostrils unceasing volleys of rain so heavy that he could not get his breath ; and if two of his companions who had their backs turned upon the blast had not been cast against him , and so afforded his face shelter enough to breathe , he must have died spread-eagled there .
18 Imagine what would happen if ‘ Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells ’ could n't get her first-class mauve at the local sub-PO .
19 From time to time a harassed mother might rap angrily on the window to complain that she could n't get her push-chair past the car , which I had parked blocking the pavement .
20 This was an old ploy when she could n't get her own way .
21 ‘ Pity she could n't get her clothes in Cairo , ’ said Lili .
22 She was so stunned , she could n't get her tongue round a single word .
23 It was n't only the money , but her library card , her family allowance book , the receipt from the repair shop without which she could n't get her watch back , creased photographs , with Edward 's own photograph among them , her address book , almost the whole sum of her identity .
24 She knew for a fact that he had n't used a condom , so that meant he could n't get her pregnant .
25 If he could n't get her practice one way , then he would try to get it by another method .
26 Yeah , she 'd been to college but she could n't get her car started , she had to get her dad to drive her in and pick her up .
27 While Nicaragua and El Salvador were perceived during the 1980s by the US State Department to be on the frontline of the fight against communism ( and therefore newsworthy ) , the larger-scale massacres in neighbouring Guatemala received no attention : journalists wandering around the scorched highlands simply could n't get their stories printed .
28 Unfortunately , it all happened so fast that they cancelled the sold-out dates because they simply could n't get their work permits in time .
29 They broke them in like a horse , but you could n't get their necks like a horse .
30 Could n't get their cud up .
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