Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] have [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Action : Modules of type FOREIGN must not have headers with versions earlier than 2.2 .
2 Gutters should be clean and sloping to downpipes and should not have dips .
3 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
4 A Sellafield official suggested that employees should not have children if they were worried .
5 If she was going to have a child , ever … no , no ; real responsible revolutionaries should not have children .
6 If they are not prepared to accept them jointly , they should not have children at all .
7 Berenice 's blood-pressure is far too high and the doctors are insistent she must n't have worries of any kind if she 's to go to full term . ’
8 You must n't have dogs down the council .
9 No , I should n't have problems .
10 And it also managed to chip some of the woodwork , curious to think that I was offered as war damage compensation five pounds to re-case the piano , you could n't of had it repolished for five pounds , but thinking was working class people should n't have pianos , I 'm certain that was at the back of , of the gentleman whose job it was to evaluate war damage , he certainly raised his eyebrows every time we told him , what either a piece of furniture or crockery or cutlery which had been destroyed had cost and he was so foolish after er the house had been almost flattened as de demand bills as proof of evidence that your figures were correct
11 ‘ Is there some reason why we should n't have minds of our own ? ’ she demanded sharply .
12 Yeah , it 's the , it 's the with the word natural is n't it that er you know people often use the word natural to mean good and right and therefore something you should do , but of course no not always I mean if I said to you death is natural , nobody here would think I was advocating suicide or that er we should n't have hospitals to try and save people 's lives I mean er when you say death is natural , what you mean is death is one of those things that we just have to put up with , we 'd rather we did n't but we 're all gon na have to face it in the end , some of us sooner than others er but erm but there we are .
13 What , do you think that there 's any connection between what you mentioned before about when you claimed for er bomb damage erm that working class people about being , supposed to have a piano , do you think there 's a connection between that sort of idea and the idea of people that lived in Harlow in Council houses should n't have cars ?
14 I 'm often surprised by people who voice their opinions and are adamant that they are right — from those who think people with a hereditary disease should n't have children , to people who feel strongly about disposable nappies .
15 And that they should n't have names at all , but simply be numbered from one to sixty .
16 You will be faced with one or more prompts , words followed by a colon , eg TRANSFER : which may not have responses already filled in .
17 They may not have engines but today 's gliders are capable of some astonishing feats in the right hands … like those of ace aerobatic glider pilot Peter Mallinson .
18 They may not , they may not have carpets on the floor , but they 've all got videos .
19 Other families may not have meal-times but eat at erratic times of the day .
20 We often get enquiries from companies which may not have resources to sponsor a tournament , but are anxious to become involved with women 's golf , so we suggest a player sponsorship .
21 ‘ You mean poets may not have tempers , do you not ? ’
22 Some patients may not have friends or relatives able to give them support at home , or may live in unsuitable accommodation .
23 My favourite stall , in Peckham , south London , may not have changing-rooms , but modesty is preserved by making a screen of racks of clothes .
24 Another reason why lone-parent families could gain very little from these new measures is simply that absent parents may not have incomes high enough to enable them to pay child support at the levels required .
25 That is not to say that they may not have doubts , be nervous of , or awed by , the large step they are taking .
26 also do a compress on the file afterwards to save bandwith when sending to other unix-systems ( ie ‘ compress strach.gif.UU ’ — the new file will be called strach.gif.UU.Z ) ( do net send the compressed version to people with PC 's — they might not have programs to uncompress it )
27 ‘ If I 'd known my score was 4998 not 496 I might not have runs at all . ’
28 Jean could not have children , but all their friends agreed they were very much in love .
29 The Liverpool tribunal heard that Mrs Mawdsley , of Southport , could not have children and that her sister Kimi had been successfully impregnated with her eggs .
30 At first I thought I could not have children because of my age .
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