Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] of the " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't think everyone is as aware as they should be of the after-effects .
2 To be harmonic , simple radiating curves should be of the same hand .
3 Side-reins should be of the same length and of a length which encourages the horse to hold himself in a balanced outline .
4 If there is any prosecution , it should be of the owner rather than the vet .
5 Mortar should be of the same strength as the materials to be bonded , particularly important for retaining walls .
6 Tank stands should be of the highest quality .
7 The Glasgow Emancipation Society greeted the conference with hope but also the requirement that the antislavery platform should be of the ‘ broadest and most Catholic principle ’ avoiding ‘ sectarian feeling and jealousy ’ .
8 Large panes of glass for doors should be of the roughened or laminated type for safety , or you could use Georgian wired glass .
9 It is apt that one of the first two recordings made by Kurt Masur in his new role as Music Director of the New York Philharmonic should be of the New World Symphony , particularly when it comes in ample time to celebrate the centenary of the first performance of that favourite work by this very orchestra in December 1893 .
10 The speed of rotation should be of the order of 30 — 60 r.p.m .
11 Persons eligible for legal aid should have a free choice of lawyers and the services provided should be of the same quality as those available for fee-paying clients .
12 There are four possible distributions of sexes compatible with this sentence , since there is no requirement that the two children should be of the same sex .
13 It should be of the coarsest foam possible , so that suspended solids pass through it … in other words , a blanketweed trap .
14 Quantities should be of the order ½-1 kg per sq m ( 1–2 lb per sq yd ) where the pH is 6.0 , and double this if it is 5.0 , giving less for sandy soil and more for clay .
15 It is of capital importance that the microscope upon which CL equipment is mounted should be of the highest possible transmissivity .
16 If possible both drives on your system should be of the same make and type .
17 The staccato should be of the ‘ hail ’ type .
18 If , therefore , the parties agree that the rent review is to be initiated and conducted according to a timetable laid down in the lease , it is suggested that time should be of the essence of the timetable .
19 And the abiding memory of the eighties must be of the greatest achievement , the enormous increase in passenger traffic .
20 The ice to be melted must be of the transparent blue variety , which is free from fine cracks through which the hot water can drain .
21 For helices to entwine together they must be of the same handedness , like the strands of a rope .
22 video and film must be of the highest professional standard and rigorously edited
23 It need not be exactly the same work but must be of the same nature and capacity and at the same place .
24 The honourable calling of a councillor must be of the highest worth for no councillor must lower himself or his calling by obtaining any illegal financial gain from his activities as a councillor .
25 Its muscles must contract more quickly ; and because its muscles must be of the fast , white variety to achieve this , they cost more , energetically , to generate the force the quail needs in order to run .
26 But to the historian it must be of the deepest interest .
27 It seemed to concern his father and the stranger , and as such , must be of the most terrible importance .
28 This takes us into the nebulous area of psychological assessment , but it is also the case that the supply of information must be of the right type and in the right form to enable human beings to respond and act correctly , especially the air traffic controllers and the flight crew .
29 First , the problem presented by the client must be of the type that will be responsive to the structured group programme .
30 I do n't know the figures for mental illness , but they must be of the same order , though better hidden .
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