Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The family should be warned against condoning the patient 's anorexic behaviour , which they may do either because they feel unable to tolerate the patient 's anger or because they themselves gain vicarious gratification from the illness .
32 Parish councillors agreed that danger notices should be erected at the pond site .
33 ‘ I believe crash barriers , similar to those in use on carriageways and motorways , should be erected on the edge of pavements .
34 Johnnie Armstrong of Gilnockie had defied an agreement between the Wardens of the Marches that no building should be erected by either side within the confines of the Debatable Land when he set up a tower above the Esk .
36 This should be rewarded with lower inflation in 1993 , after five years in which it rose continuously , if slowly .
37 But rewards and treatment for the two are as different as the roles themselves : the entrepreneurs should be rewarded with fame and fortune ; drones should be disciplined through clear rules and punishments .
38 The problem faced by all versions of entitlement theory , however , is in demonstrating why acquirers should be rewarded for their efforts with full rights of private ownership .
39 The , er , credit to that goes to the chairman and chief executive and the executive directors and they are responsible for the business and it is right , in my view , that they should be rewarded for it and encouraged to take risks to work very hard on our behalf to ensure that that growth continues er , er , that benefits the , er , company , it benefits the country it benefits the er ergo , people who are working for it , it is not inflationary because we are looking at productivity and the productivity in the company has increased significantly .
40 If he hoped to persuade Mrs Thatcher that the releases were a favour to her and should be rewarded by her support for lifting sanctions , he will be disappointed .
41 From around six weeks you should be rewarded by an answering smile .
42 Major was reported to have told him that his efforts to end race policies should be rewarded by the scrapping of sanctions .
43 That 's an excellent role for farmers , for which they should be rewarded by the public .
44 The systems approach indicates that the two should be balanced on technical , economic and behavioural criteria ( Table 1.8 . ) .
45 The budget need not be balanced every year but should be balanced over the trade cycle , with surpluses in booms and deficits in slumps .
46 It is considered essential that the effect of both central and local government in fulfilling the aims of the inner city policy should be balanced with the need to enable house builders to meet the demand for home ownership .
47 Aylesbury Vale Health Authority hopes the cuts will be temporary and says the books should be balanced by next year .
48 Therefore , any criticisms should be balanced against that .
49 The following elements should be balanced in a wine :
50 A job-sharing policy should be devised in conjunction with staff organisations .
51 He blamed France for the delay , which he said was caused by Paris 's continuing insistence that Strasbourg should be confirmed as the permanent site of the EC Parliament 's plenary sessions .
52 Order in this very short debate it might be advantageous if I would just draw to the attention of the house this scope of the debate the scope of the debate , debate should be confirmed to the desir desirability of the proposed boundary for European parliamentary constituencies and by introducing the changes to the franchise and qualifications of representatives for European parliament elections in the manner specified .
53 Jonathan Webb , the Bath full back , learned his rugby at Newcastle 's Royal Grammar School , and his immense contribution to England 's championship cause should be confirmed with the six points he needs to surpass Simon Hodgkinson 's Five Nations record ( 60 last season ) and the seven he requires to beat Dusty Hare 's alltime England points record ( 240 ) .
54 Ideally , the diagnosis should be confirmed before treatment , and this can be done with capillary blood glucose test sticks .
55 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
56 However , in patients with hyperglobulinaemia and low optical readings ( signal:control cut off ratio <2 ) a positive result should be confirmed by a second generation recombinant immunoblot assay , which uses four antigens ( 5–1–1 , c-100–3 , c33c , and c22–3 ) .
57 The pharmacodynamic effect of psyllium should be confirmed by longterm therapeutic trials .
58 In this connection the court will , it is thought , be prepared to recognise the unavailability of cover beyond certain limits and that such top-up cover as may be arranged may only be available on an aggregate , as opposed to an " each and every claim " , basis ; ( 5 ) any limitation must be brought to the attention of the client and should be confirmed by the client in writing .
59 This is based on history and clinical signs , but should be confirmed by faecal examinations from a large sample of the flock .
60 If revised arrangements are made over the telephone , these , too , should be confirmed in writing .
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