Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As with all businesses , the work done should be cost effective .
2 The advantage of running a competition is that it should be cost effective if the cost of the prizes is spread over a large enough number of entrants .
3 And I think we must have had this video three times , you should be word perfect by now .
4 When Robert Devereux , second Earl of Essex [ q.v. ] , suggested he should be attorney general the queen ‘ acknowledged his gifts , but said his speaking against her in such a manner as he had done should be a bar against any preferment at her hands ’ .
5 Moreover , rather than perpetuate the stereotype of woman as passive victim , man as aggressor , rape , it is sometimes said , should be gender neutral with respect to perpetrators as well .
6 Conditions for the removal and culture of embryos need not necessarily be aseptic but should be dust free and as clean as possible .
7 JS specifies that machinery such as that used for harvesting should be energy efficient , and that waste must be neutralised prior to disposal .
8 Yes I do but are y I 'm sorry I 'm not clear as to whether you are suggesting that there should be policy upper case criteria and some non policy lower case criteria .
9 The faculty suggests that assistance given to ex-employees finding new employment should be tax free , and that the Revenue should have discretion to grant exemption certificates to building subcontractors where a company has become insolvent for bona fide reasons .
10 General situation : Parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland will have a touch of frost at first , but most of England and Wales should be frost free .
11 A large safety guard securely fixed to the wall will prevent a child coming into contact with a fire , and children 's nightwear should be flame resistant .
12 Remember too , when knitting for children and busy mums , garments must be machine washable !
13 To get away with it at all , the wines must be bone dry , so that there 's no food ( ie sugar ) for any possible remaining bugs .
14 I think , you know , the erm the Tourist Boards have taken the industry by the scruff of the neck and said look you must have standards , you must have quality , and you must be price competitive .
15 At the same time , however , there must be evidence sufficient to make belief in God an act of commitment representing risk but not foolish defiance of reality .
16 She must be stone deaf .
17 You must be stir crazy . ’
18 This is determined by examining the Error column where all entries must be QA OK .
19 The data must be policy relevant .
20 , it must be carriage free , , said to these fell on Superman .
21 As they have always been properly declared , I have assumed that goods below a certain value must be duty free .
22 Oh , well , it might be Abbey National .
23 At its deepest I reckoned the water might be waist high .
24 Oh it 'll be part Indian .
25 There 'll be east top and bottom superfluous to the er what I 'm painting .
26 It 'll be trouble free : mutual consent . ’
27 Er right so erm basically , if we have if we have that stand which erm perhaps could be factory manned
28 If a friend was visiting the Policyholder and tripped over a loose carpet there could be liability subject to the Policyholder being negligent , ie if the Policyholder had been aware of the loose carpet for some time and had done nothing to prevent an accident happening .
29 for instance some of the themes could be canal civil engineering and art
30 I 'd be more'n happy to move out of this tied cottage and have the comfort of our own place , and I reckon with what Harry 's offered , we 'll soon have enough to buy summat small in Calking village , and if'n you doant want to come with me , Will Pritchett , then you can stay on here by yourself .
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