Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
2 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
3 Those Christians who belong to the sort of council of churches where passionate debates take place about atomic war , South Africa , police brutality , racism and urban decay may think that they at least are closer to the real action .
4 And those who have made a career out of making fun of Maxwell may think that they can continue to do so ; but it 's just not funny anymore ( allegedly ) .
5 When Jenson continues that the reason why the biblical God is called ‘ Father ’ is that the attempt is being made to get away from sexuality , with which women are more naturally to be associated , we may think that he has given the game away !
6 We may think that he was over-confident about his degree of insight into the divine nature , but it was a capital discovery all the same . )
7 I do not myself think , that Mr ever produces a biased report on anything , and I would think that , erm , on reflection Mr may think that he overstepped the mark there , er I feel that we should , if we can , defer this in it 's entirety , which also includes , the note at the bottom , that would allow Mr to go out and , and , and explore the possibilities .
8 Some may think that you can not argue — far less , analyse — what is morally right : it is just a matter of personal feeling or common sense .
9 You may think that you have answers to all these questions , and no doubt you have .
10 You may think that you know who is to read your report .
11 You may think that I am too harsh and write with lack of sympathy for the children , expecting them to struggle with concepts which cause greater minds a great deal of thought .
12 You may think that I want to destroy the milk boards , but if you believe that you will believe anything . ’
13 Perhaps someone should point it out to the Queen , who may think that she will be addressing the Assembly of the Council of Europe .
14 You may think that it is good to produce a neat , legible and carefully presented essay .
15 In other words , some heads may think that it is desirable and right to devote much care to management through the corporateness of professionals but , within the same code , to achieve as much agreement among the non-professionals as one can and then to stop trying .
16 The external schema is the subset of the database which is relevant to the particular user , and though it may be a summarised and a very restricted subset , the user may think that it represents the whole view , because it is the whole view as far as the user is concerned .
17 We may emphasize that they are mingled with and followed by stories of a very different character .
18 All schools ( county and voluntary ) must start the day with a corporate act of worship , although parents have the right of withdrawal and LEAs may rule that it is impracticable to assemble all the pupils ( e.g. in very large or split-site schools , or where pupils follow many different religions ) .
19 Now let's presume that you 've got a couple of children and on the death of the first of you , you leave ten thousand pounds between those two children and the rest to your surviving spouse .
20 Although the plan has been superimposed over an existing plan , erm , to be charitable it 's at best confusing , erm , my feeling is that in actual fact the plan there does n't actually show us , well enough , and you may consider that we ought to be asking for a much clearer plan before we make a decision .
21 But if an incident has occurred involving violence or which leads to a soured atmosphere at work , management may consider that it has little option but to take action .
22 On the other hand , rather than move away from an area where similar firms operate , some firms may consider that it is in their own particular interest to move into such a location .
23 Here the value of privacy may act against the interests of family members ; neighbours may consider that it is not their business to interfere and the beaten wife-at least before the growth of women 's self-help centres — may find that she has nowhere to go ( Pizzey , 1974 ) .
24 The mass producer ( who may be production , quality or sales orientated ) may attempt to supply all , or a substantial part of this total demand , and in so doing may consider that he can obtain a price , volume or distribution advantage relative to smaller scale producers .
25 Even moving from high to low cost areas can raise difficulties — employees may doubt that they will ever be able to move back to their home areas or other more expensive regions once they have committed themselves to living in a lower cost housing area .
26 Further research may demonstrate that he had some knowledge of science and of medicine .
27 ‘ Then let's trust that they did n't see you .
28 Many pupils may object that they find this kind of culture to be alien and puzzling at first since this is a non-exam course there is opportunity for pupils to mark time without any serious results but to achieve personal development gradually or late on in the course at an individual pace .
29 You may object that I 'm only describing the kind of action that occurs in whodunnit stories — but look again at the short fictions that have moved you .
30 The committee 's first leaflet , We Must Win , declared : ‘ We must set out ideals and objectives in clear terms and we must so order our own mode of life and social system that men may know that we offer a happiness , freedom and prosperity which can never flourish under Hitler 's totalitarianism .
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