Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] that he " in BNC.

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1 When Jenson continues that the reason why the biblical God is called ‘ Father ’ is that the attempt is being made to get away from sexuality , with which women are more naturally to be associated , we may think that he has given the game away !
2 We may think that he was over-confident about his degree of insight into the divine nature , but it was a capital discovery all the same . )
3 I do not myself think , that Mr ever produces a biased report on anything , and I would think that , erm , on reflection Mr may think that he overstepped the mark there , er I feel that we should , if we can , defer this in it 's entirety , which also includes , the note at the bottom , that would allow Mr to go out and , and , and explore the possibilities .
4 The mass producer ( who may be production , quality or sales orientated ) may attempt to supply all , or a substantial part of this total demand , and in so doing may consider that he can obtain a price , volume or distribution advantage relative to smaller scale producers .
5 Further research may demonstrate that he had some knowledge of science and of medicine .
6 In Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin : ( Through this fabliau you may know that he does not act at all wisely who trusts his wife rather than himself : often he suffers shame and grief . )
7 The witness concerned should explain that he had a good unobstructed view of the traffic lights and that they were at red when the vehicle or part of it passed them .
8 I found that interesting because it appears that the Minister does not know how many doctors made a claim that was above the amount of the reimbursement schedule or , if he did know , he was unwilling to tell me , so I must presume that he did not know .
9 When they turn to the handling charge they must presume that he is not guilty of robbery ; and , if they are quite satisfied that he must have been guilty of the one offence or the other , they are bound to conclude that he was guilty of handling .
10 Now that he has had to admit to one serious mistake , he must know that he can not afford another .
11 The most important point to note about the above summary is the mens rea requirement : the individual/insider must know that he is a connected person .
12 Thus , a director must know that he is connected with his company or a related company ; an officer or employee must know that he is connected with his company or a related company , and so on .
13 Thus , a director must know that he is connected with his company or a related company ; an officer or employee must know that he is connected with his company or a related company , and so on .
14 The sufferer must know that he or she has your full attention and that you are on his or her " side " .
15 But first she must know that he loved her .
16 The accused must know that he has the prohibited article .
17 None is stated in the sub-section , but it is assumed that the accused must intend to use the article in the course of or in connection with the burglary , theft or cheat , and he must know that he has the article with him .
18 And he , he he must know that he 's gon na keep it up .
19 It was here that Napoleon spent his working day when in residence at the Tuileries and from this study France was governed , for , as his ministers knew : ‘ The Emperor had no reason to fear that anyone doubted that he reigned ; he was even more anxious that they should know that he ruled . ’
20 I have heard nothing on the Dave Norris situation for some while , but we must consider that he has gone .
21 For this purpose the employer must show that he had a good reason for sacking the employee .
22 In the case of the cable service operator , and the producer and director of the programme in question , the defendant must show that he neither knew nor reasonably suspected that the programme would contain the offending words , or , if he did know , that he had no reasonable opportunity to remove the offending words .
23 The defendant must show that he sent out adequate instructions .
24 Similarly , in order for occupation of land to amount to a tenancy , the courts have held that the claimant must show that he or she had the right to , and did , exclude the landlord .
25 She could no longer feel her feet , but , glancing down at them , not too obviously for fear Richard should feel that he ought to do something about them , she saw that both of them were now bleeding .
26 The statement says that where a member 's opinion is sought on the application of accounting standards or principles to specific circumstances or transactions of an entity of which he is not the auditor , he should ensure that he has access to all relevant information , he should contact the auditor to provide an opportunity for the latter to bring to his attention any relevant facts and , given his client 's permission , he should provide a copy of his opinion to the auditor .
27 Each panel member should ensure that he or she thoroughly tests the case presented for project approval .
28 Before disclosing the agreement the vendor should ensure that he is not in breach of any confidentiality undertakings contained in the agreement and if necessary first obtain the consent of the other parties before disclosing the agreement to the purchaser .
29 As for his opinions on M.E. , I must assume that he would also condemn the support groups for MS , cancer and heart disease as ‘ self-commiserative ’ societies .
30 We must assume that he was a man like ourselves , and apply our own experience and use our own sympathetic imagination to visualise and enter into his mind .
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