Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] but [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ design for living ’ shown by a species is the outcome of this selective process and is related not at all to any eventuality that may arise but to the set of conditions , the ‘ niche ’ , to which the evolutionary process has confined the species .
2 Involuntary reception into care : if a child or young person is in a situation of acute danger the youth department is entitled to intervene , but parents or guardians have to be informed immediately and the case be brought before a court for a care decision before the end of the day following the admission ( s. 42 ) , Where force is necessary , the police department must act but under the professional guidance of the youth department .
3 While yours must grow but as their Masters please .
4 There is no reason why a lyricist should elucidate but in Gedge 's case the lack of chimera can make surveying his words an unrewarding exercise .
5 This is not a very palatable view : each of us likes to think that we are ‘ some-body special ’ — which is why each of us accepts intellectually that someday we must die but at a gut level believes that , in our own case , God , Fate or whatever will make an exception .
6 The settlor had a life interest and the funds were then held for a specified class as the settlor should appoint but in default thereof for certain beneficiaries .
7 ‘ If you come out and tell a person to his face that he 's not selected and why , ’ I said , ‘ well , it might hurt but at least you know . ’
8 I 'm not sure how well that would wash with some people they 're i in an area that , like yeah which was very er oppressed and where the , the warlords and the landlords were screwing the peasants I can see that there 's enough pent up er fear er and angers so that this might work but in other areas I do n't know effective this would be , that you
9 It 's very difficult to play continental teams because you 're never sure what tactics and style they 'll adopt but with England everyone knows . ’
10 The intensity of their feeling was due not just to fear that the landed interest might suffer but to the affront caused to a governing class centred on London and the Home Counties by the notion that those living in the provinces might prefer a degree of local autonomy .
11 Narouz has said he 'll help but in the circumstances — ’
12 Blows were exchanged faster than the eye could follow but to no avail — within minutes the proud High Elf lay headless on the plain .
13 He wrote notes , asking if they could meet but to no avail .
14 The Protestants could hope but by no means be certain of what she would do , though they could take comfort from her dramatic gesture on Christmas Day 1558 , when she ordered the bishop celebrating Mass in her chapel not to elevate the host , walking out when he refused , and her even more spectacular gesture on 25 January 1559 when , at the opening of parliament , she told the abbot and monks of Westminster , processing with tapers burning , ‘ Away with these torches !
15 A company is regarded as dormant : in any period during which no transaction occurs which must be recorded in the company 's books , and if it can claim small company exemptions under s.246 , or could have but for belonging to an ineligible group , and is not required to produce group accounts .
16 The Edwardian and Progressive eras were rife with ideas of how film could develop but of all the possibilities the only thing that happened was that the showmen hung on to what they had discovered .
17 Tajine is a stew of meats and vegetables , poulet au citron is nearly as you 'd imagine but with sweet spices and lemon peel pickled in brine .
18 Here , we move to a further degree of abstraction , since things are no longer of interest for some essence they may possess but for their exchangeable aspects .
19 Or would have but for the poisonous Marianne , she added silently .
20 As a situation in which nothing whatsoever of interest would happen but for instabilities , it is a natural candidate for this role .
21 A number of farms had a son , or other member of the family , who would attend but of the 87 to whom this question applied the main answer received was : ‘ it depends ’ .
22 Daylight shall come but in vain ,
23 In the first place he has desired me to say he would write but for his constant occupation .
24 The tenant may wish to dispense with 7.6.3 , 7.6.4 , 7.6.5 and 7.6.6 and add the following proviso to 7.6.2 : If for any reason the premises and all other relevant parts of the centre sufficient for the Tenant [ or any undertenant ] to carry on its [ or their ] normal trade and business including the means of access to the Premises and all essential services therein and thereto shall not be reinstated in accordance with the provisions of this clause as they were at the date of the relevant destruction or damage by the second anniversary of the date of the destruction or damage the Tenant may thereafter determine the Term by giving not less than one month 's notice to the Landlord and upon expiry of such notice the Term shall cease but without prejudice to the claim of either party for any earlier breach of covenant by the other This will doubtless be resisted by the landlord who will wish to have the unilateral right to terminate .
25 It was the kind of story that she would relish but with her blunt ways one could never be sure she would n't at some time let the cat out of the bag .
26 The pooling system would continue but with two significant differences in the way in which it operated .
27 In 1991 , British government finances again moved into deficit and the projections are that the deficit will grow but notwithstanding this the market in UK government bonds will remain , by international standards , a medium-sized one for the foreseeable future .
28 Of course any rod bag will do but with the price of some of today 's rods it is false economy to make do .
29 Mr Harrison is known as Chopper , for reasons that Chelsea fans will understand but upon which the ladies of Esh Winning can only speculate .
30 In his welcoming remarks Bush stressed that " the success of this summit depends not on the agreements we will sign but on our efforts to overcome division and discord , to build a world of peace in freedom " ; Gorbachev also highlighted the symbolic significance of the summit as marking the end of the " prejudice , mistrust and animosity " of the Cold War .
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