Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] mean the " in BNC.

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1 It is in that latter role that Fodor ( 1976 ) has exploited the use of ‘ translation ’ and made the inference that the lower-level code must therefore mean the same as the higher-level code , thus arguing in effect against what I called ‘ implementation independence ’ .
2 If Mola got there first , not only would he snatch that honour from him , but it might also mean the end of the war and his return to the relative anonymity of normal army routine .
3 A more serious challenge to the text , however , came from a ‘ higher authority ’ — which could only mean the pope — on 24 November when the Secretary of State asked that explicit mention be made of Pius XI 's and Pius XII 's doctrine on marriage , which would not only condemn all forms of artificial contraception ( at this point , before Humanae Vitae , such a ban was not a foregone conclusion ) , but would also subordinate conjugal love to the procreation of children as the purpose of marriage .
4 He was far too honourable to approach Asquith with a deal which could only mean the compromise of both their principles for a period of artificial power , not unlike the last years of the Coalition ; and he saw that an anti-socialist alliance could only lead , in the end , to a major Labour victory .
5 DARLINGTON : Vandalism and rent increases could soon mean the end of watersports at the reservoir at Middleton St George .
6 In hazardous winter driving conditions , that could easily mean the difference between life and death .
7 But it could also mean the even more staggering truth that the saints are God 's inheritance , and pose the question to what extent he-is allowed the freehold of that inheritance which is our lives .
8 Most obviously it means that the ‘ birds ’ sang at a previous moment in time but it could also mean the time of year , the time of the poet 's life , and most strikingly , it could be another word connected with death .
9 At all events the Treasury was opposed to new forms of central economic control ( or planning ) not least because they could well mean the loss of its own authority .
10 If they do not go into farming , there is real reason for gloom because it could well mean the end of the Scottish farming industry .
11 Instead of stressing the Frenchness of all Algerians , de Gaulle 's speeches stressed the equality of all citizens in Algeria , which could either mean the same thing or something quite different .
12 Elsewhere in Africa , the end of foreign patronage may also mean the end of the corrupt leaders it has sustained .
13 This does not mean ‘ just-enough ’ telecommunications on site ; it may also mean the nearness to a micro-wave or satellite TV link or surface links to a major town .
14 If someone else is living in your home , for example someone who has been caring for you , this may also mean the value is not taken into account .
15 Because they focus on local-level , small-scale issues , their achievements must by definition be limited to that level , and success , that is the accomplishment of the task , may even mean the disbandment of the movement .
16 Ignoring employees ' own capacity to recognise , assess and minimise risk may well mean the risks themselves — the obvious physical ones ( fire , explosion ) and the more mundane and nebulous but often more far-reaching threats to business survival ( financial or market-oriented ) — are overlooked too .
17 But that would still mean the year with the terrible Mother Clare to qualify herself for any kind of work .
18 This is a situation where the rate of growth ( by which we shall always mean the proportionate growth ) of all relevant magnitudes remains constant over time .
19 The addition of lime , fertiliser , phosphates and herbicide to ‘ improve ’ the land would ultimately mean the loss of meadow species and plant communities .
20 We are already enjoying eternal life , and physical death will merely mean the passing from life , in which we see through a glass darkly , to life when we shall see and know as we are known .
21 In this context , ‘ fair price ’ will usually mean the open market price — if one exists .
22 It will also mean the freedom to live , study and work anywhere in the EC .
23 Later he tells me that the apocalypse will also mean the end of macho .
24 It will also mean the diversion of two major traffic arteries over temporary roadways for three years .
25 This will probably mean the return of some of his old lags when Australia play Tests in Strasbourg and Lille next month .
26 The insistence on refrigeration is a ludicrous over-reaction to food scares , and it will inevitably mean the closure of small businesses concerned with bringing good natural food to the consumer .
27 They can only mean the magic word — Connie !
28 Losing oneself in the other when one party is more powerful than the other can only mean the one submitting to the other .
29 Surely that can only mean the collapse of the bus industry , less safe services and less access for people with disabilities .
30 Note that on a Friday or a Saturday , these will coincide ; and given the rule that today and tomorrow pre-empt calendrical day names , on Wednesday and Thursday , next Thursday can only mean the Thursday of next week .
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