Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] get on " in BNC.

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1 Now I feel that I should just get on with it , do my studying , finish school , leave home , begin my ‘ future ’ .
2 ‘ We felt that if she was going to turn on those sort of tactics we were not going to be gentlemanly about it , and that she should just get on and do the job . ’
3 Now our government of course , still bolted completely to Reaganomics , Thatcheromics whatever , just believes that business should just get on and do what it wants and drive wages down and sack people if that 's what they feel 's best .
4 Even so , this is a shortened Session , and as we must wait until next year for the start of a fourth Conservative term in office , we must now get on with the measures contained in the Gracious Speech .
5 I 'm not saying it 's right , I 'm not saying it 's wrong , that 's the way it is , that 's now let's just get on with it , but we should n't saying that
6 We 'll just get on with making friends with people .
7 So that 's that , but he 's not going to interfere with us talking , let's carry on , at about ten o'clock Graham is coming who is , I 'm , as you know I 'm doing erm , er a teaching course , I 'm not a teacher you see , I 'm a , I 'm a nurse , he 's coming to assess me on er , this is a teaching practice for me , alright , so he will come in and I think he 'll sit over there and we 'll just get on .
8 What I 'll just get on with my jibe and hope for the best .
9 ‘ Begging yer pardon , ma'am , but … well , I 'd rather get on with me work , if yer do n't mind .
10 We understand why people do n't care for reporting , and it 's often because they 'd rather get on and drill or explore or sort out problems .
11 Then I could just get on with living . ’
12 Ha Well he said he 'd probably get on alright at Horstell that 's the irony of it was n't necessary for him to go to Winston
13 Well , my , my memory right , you go down into , into like a , the ground floor and the top of the , like the bottom of the next floor is about that sort of height , but there is a wall up there sort of thing , which erm , I , I must , which you could probably get on .
14 If it came off , one of the world 's more unnecessary irritations would be eased , the Greeks could halve their defence spending — and a calmer Greece and Turkey could both get on with their more interesting new post-cold-war business .
15 Things might deteriate because of terrist activities in island , of course , but only tempry and her seckerterries of state could then get on with seprut plans for denationisation .
16 ‘ Daddy and Luke could never get on .
17 I could never get on with ordinary coloured pencils .
18 You shall just get on with it . ’
19 Next one we shall probably get on to today if we do n't get stuck .
20 your own instinct about what is the sensible thing to do and the right thing to do in that incident and take charge , and you will just get on and do the very , very best that you can , you know what you need to do , you need to stop the bleeding , you know what the person needs , he needs medical aid quickly okay ?
21 I think they will just get on and get themselves she can just lay the law down .
22 ‘ You will kindly get on to the telephone and call up your revolutionary children .
23 The shadow side of his success was that of failure , watered by the constant accusing refrain that ‘ You are not good enough ; you could do better ; you will never get on if you do n't try ; God will not accept you if you do n't try harder … ‘
24 That 's reach a common understanding which reflects the realities of a relationship we enjoy at the present day so that we can all get on with the task of serving our members and forming a Labour government .
25 If that could be added that would achieve my objectives and we can all get on to the debate about V A T on .
26 In fact , you can just get on and off them a few times and they never seem to register the same thing twice !
27 I do n't know how she can ever get on with anything .
28 So , now we can really get on with the party .
29 Perhaps the prince and princess can now get on with their official duties without all this speculation about their marriage . ’
30 They have removed the attack on our conference and at last we can now get on together to build a better union .
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