Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , whilst asserting that the reporting accountant should already as part of his or her duties be auditing at least two reconciliations in detail they also argued that the process was ‘ highly unlikely to reveal a great deal that the reporting accountant would not otherwise pick up during the year-end work ’ .
2 All new homes must now by law have smoke detectors installed .
3 That having been said , where gaps appear in the Code it would be better for them to be filled by a change in the Code itself rather than by judicial interpretation , for it must not be forgotten that breach of the Code is a disciplinary offence and it would be unfortunate if the officers in the present case , who were rightly not made the subject of any criticism by the court , should even in theory be liable to disciplinary proceedings .
4 If I wish to buy a manufactured object from a shopkeeper , the shopkeeper must first obtain it from a wholesaler , the wholesaler must then in turn obtain it from the manufacturer , who must in turn obtain components and raw materials from other suppliers further down the line .
5 What she can also have , which might at first glance seen off-putting , is great expertise in some abstruse art or science , though this should never of course be an unpleasant one .
6 I told him proudly he should never in future discuss money in relation to his work .
7 The hippocampus is one of the regions of the mammalian brain whose structure , connectivity and geometry are well understood and which should therefore in principle make such a mapping possible .
8 Conversely , indigenous politicians , who do not make explicit reference to the individual actor as having multiple points of view , may nevertheless in practice make considerable use of those multiple points of view that are implicit in the existence of different political factions .
9 Both might just by accident hit on the fraudulent behaviour eliciting the desired response , and subsequently adopt it as a strategy in such situations .
10 However , I am happy to concede that seeking public approval might well at times override and thus eliminate ‘ disinterestedness ’ .
11 Just as Napoleon in 1804 , Henry VI might well in time have had Europe at his feet .
12 Those who see the appearance of humanities in the programmes of scientific institutes in London or the provinces as an intrusion might sometimes in fact be seeing a take-over bid .
13 Cross-addiction ensures that the weaker Fellowships receive support from members who have experience of stronger Fellowships but it may nonetheless at times be more helpful for a newcomer to receive slightly less individual identification but gain the experience of a stronger Fellowship .
14 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
15 She continued walking as fast as she could away from Emminster .
16 But it could always of course come in as an odd .
17 She had imagined that she could always at will appear poised and in complete control of her emotions .
18 But if she restrained her imagination and waited until he showed his hand , surely the misunderstanding could be cleared up and they could part as friends ? she thought forlornly .
19 Civilian non-combatants could also on occasion have much to fear , especially when a city was taken by storm with all the looting , killing and destruction which this involved .
20 As it was , she thought with longing of Antonia and the informality of her school in New York where teachers could even on occasion be construed as friends .
21 However , the aura of the military genius paving the way for lasting prosperity through final victory could almost by definition last only so long as one glorious triumph after another — and all without significant material sacrifice and loss — was attained .
22 After mortal trouble Let me lie still Where the wind drives and the clouds stream Over the hill Where grass 's thousand thirsty mouths Sup up their fill Of the slow dew and the sharp rain Of the mantling snow dissolv 'd again At Heaven 's sweet will .
23 The agreement , reached after two years of negotiations , was made possible after the European Court of Justice ( the EC 's judicial body ) had changed a previous position and ruled--in a case brought by a Belgian village seeking to stop the dumping of Dutch waste-that waste was not a " commercial good " and could therefore by implication be exempted from the principle of free movement of goods enshrined in the European single market due to be introduced in 1993 .
24 There must be mechanism for identifying persons in need and for reaching out to those willing to participate ; it may also at times be necessary to reach out to those who do not wish to participate but are at risk of harm to themselves or others .
25 The Council may also from time to time promulgate Codes of Practice if it is of the opinion that such codes will further the objects of the Council .
26 To begin with , people who have suffered from schizophrenia are readily identifiable , and it may well at times be possible to make the lives of this high-risk group less eventful .
27 I see that I ( who had written the statement in favour of the ordination of women to the priesthood which was circulated to all members of the Synod before the vote , l5 a statement to which Leonard may well in part have been responding ) wrote in the margin of my copy of his speech : ‘ Have microscopes . ’
28 Theirfor would gladly by y[ou]r Gr[ace's] interest be promoted either to be a captain of foot , or a lieut[enant] of dragoons in the new levies ’ .
29 It had gone off in a hotel in Leinster Place and would always in future be known as the ‘ Bayswater Bomb ’ .
30 It was ‘ abundantly clear that the byelaw maker , if he had appreciated the limitation on his powers , would both at Greenham Common and at Fylingdales nevertheless have gone on to make the bylaws in such a way that the proviso to section 14(1) was given effect but all the world save commoners would still have been within their ambit ’ .
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