Example sentences of "[vb mod] provide a good " in BNC.

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1 Again , although not guaranteed to be foolproof , the basic philosophy of the techniques described should provide a good starting point for the work of others .
2 A layer of peat and gravel , or leaf-mould and coarse sand or loam should provide a good medium .
3 Jointly valued at £5m , Graseby believes they should provide a good base for improved performance in this area .
4 The trade should provide a good variety of output for all tastes , from cheap classics to ‘ trash ’ , and in variety of outlets — ‘ B&Q should be seen as a place to buy books .
5 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
6 The latter may provide a good approximation to actual savings behaviour , but in this section we consider for purposes of contrast the rather different approach based on individual life-cycle savings decisions , discussed at some length in Lecture 3 .
7 Yet the foreign exchange market ( like many other asset markets ) has one feature which may provide a good indicator of what agents ' expectations are .
8 The operating agreement it has set up with the Manchester Metrolink — due to start running along several sections of former BR track today — could provide a good foundation .
9 She had seen a leaflet about the YCs and thought that this would provide a good way of getting to know people .
10 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
11 One of these areas was an arable field that had been rolled flat , and I felt that this would provide a good opportunity to experiment with the machine 's settings .
12 The Shah suggested , and the White House agreed , that the visit would provide a good chance for Carter to talk to King Hussein , whom both men wanted to encourage into the Israeli-Egyptian peace process .
13 If we could observe them , it would provide a good test of this picture of a very hot early stage of the universe .
14 The book and cassette together would provide a good home refresher course but could be used equally well during a day or evening class revision course .
15 It is suggested that the Commissioner would provide a good model for the establishment of similar posts in other areas of dispute .
16 In practice you will probably find the above guide will provide a good enough outline of the sort of person you are looking for in relation to the formal job description document .
17 A brick wall which does not contain openings will provide a good fire barrier and can , therefore , be sited on the boundary .
18 It is very valuable to you since it will be detailed and original , may criticise other historians ' views and will provide a good insight into the wide range of sources that historians must consult before they are able to offer convincing interpretations ( see their use of footnotes and consult the bibliographies ) .
19 Moore says that the bank has developed a general policy that loans to small , high-technology firms can provide a good source of business .
20 In both hot and cold climates you can provide a good quality result , and it is no accident so many of the world 's ‘ serious ’ wines are made with Cabernet Sauvignon .
21 This can provide a good indication of what the advertisement is achieving in terms of communication — what people are getting out of it .
22 Some firms of solicitors have offices in Brussels so that they can provide a good quality of service to their clients whose interests are governed directly by Community law .
23 So , we could have somebody start at twenty pound a month and we know we can make a profit and we can provide a good service to the clients , a good level of cover .
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