Example sentences of "[vb mod] provide a more " in BNC.

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1 The children of the rich may work in health food shops or other faddish and esoteric pursuits which utilize their educational experience and may provide a more acceptable form of class reproduction than simple inheritance .
2 However the compartmentalized approach , rather reminiscent of that followed by Goudie ( 1981b ) , may not be as integrative as Douglas would hope , although the use of a systems paradigm and energy flows as discussed in chapter 7 ( p. 153 ) may provide a more integrative solution .
3 A focus upon energy flows is certainly appropriate for physical geography and Simmons ( 1978 ) has considered how it may provide a more generally applicable theme but has cautioned ( Simmons , 1978 , p. 320 ) :
4 User satisfaction is another criterion which may provide a more global measure to evaluate interactive online catalogues .
5 Cultural Studies would provide a more productive environment for the radical aca-English Departments , who have conspicuous energy and intelligence , but little literary sensibility or aesthetic interests .
6 It was recognised of course that not everyone would have such a carer , but that this restriction would provide a more homogeneous sample than would otherwise be the case .
7 His mistake was to assume that the Labour party would provide a more receptive political vehicle for his ideas than the Conservatives .
8 They go on to state that ‘ whilst to a large extent , voters may depend on their own experience with service delivery … information concerning overall objectives and service activities would provide a more balanced view ’ .
9 To the musician , a MIDI keyboard attached to the computer would provide a more natural method of entering notes but , for those musicians who are not concert pianists , some allowance must be made for timing mistakes to reduce the amount of editing .
10 His implication was that the French " strike force " ( " force de frappe " ) would provide a more credible deterrent and could , therefore , protect Western Europe more effectively than the infinitely larger American arsenal .
11 New business would provide a more optimum use of the equipment , presently in the main restricted to weekends .
12 This chapter will provide a more detailed examination of specific aspects of criminality .
13 Radar can provide a more direct determination of axial period if there is a feature in the echo that can be inferred to have come from a surface feature on the planet , such as a mountain or a region with a particular composition or texture .
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