Example sentences of "[vb mod] need [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But after seeing that motor cyclist , she may need a protector .
2 If he has a tiring morning session , for instance , he may need a rest period in his chair or in bed after lunch .
3 You may need a grown-up 's help .
4 A piece of bread flake on a muddy bottom may need a foot or more , and the indication allowed to yo-yo several times before we can be anywhere near sure of hitting them .
5 Homographs may need a modifier in parenthesis to clarify the meaning that is associated with them , for example Cold ( Disease )
6 The peasant , for instance , who wishes to sell his avocados or pots in the local market may need a licence to do so , something that is outside the realm of the usual activities of a peasant , especially an illiterate .
7 Watch out for copyright laws ; no studio will copy a track from a record without written permission from the Record Co , and to play it on the day you may need a licence from the Performing Rights Society .
8 You may need a tapwater treatment unit .
9 Once they get to Stage 2 , children may need a calcium supplement , to compensate for the lack of milk in the diet , and the doctor can prescribe this .
10 How about Hosea Chapt 2 , 16–23 ( may need a sentence or two of introduction explanation though ) ?
11 If he hangs badly towards home or the other horses , he may need a kick or a smart smack with the whip to remind him of his job .
12 Her father has to sleep in the same room since he has to attend to her during the night when she may need a bed pan up to four times .
13 Coronation Street 's 20 million viewers would , for instance , be unlikely to be deprived — but they may need a satellite dish if Granada sold the show to BSB .
14 It there may need a press release which gives out a more balanced view to go out .
15 You may need a change of Pill .
16 A less severe cough , cold , throat or stomach upset etc. may need a dose 2 or 3 times a day .
17 The law may need a bit of help round the edges but that is absolutely essential .
18 I may need a bit of help .
19 The inductor L2 should not ‘ sing ’ , if it does you may need a fraction more tightness on the studding nuts holding it in place , but do this with extreme care .
20 ITALY : You may need a worker 's registration card — check at the local town hall where you live .
21 The former may need a word or two said about it .
22 I mean for one production you may need a wig another production you wo n't .
23 It 's rather like DIY in that one day you may need a power saw to cut up some timber , the next a hand saw for some precision work .
24 A less intelligent horse may need a repeat occurrence or lesson several times before it remembers in the future .
25 The information is mostly of concern to the crew in the pilot 's cabin , who will then make the necessary course , altitude and speed corrections , and note items of equipment which may need a maintenance check , once the aircraft has reached its destination .
26 Depending on the style of your conservatory you may need a fixing kit for plastic base panels , £23.50 from Burco Maxol .
27 Transfers are good , though not of the sort that take the unsuspecting listener by storm — and that listener may need a reminder that these are , after all , pre-electrical recordings in which an orchestra usually sounds like anything but .
28 A battleship may need a lot of ocean to turn around in , but this is no argument for abandoning our commitment to rudders .
29 One person may need a lot of help in dressing , or with moving about , another may suffer from incontinence which needs to be managed , a third person might benefit from exercises , physiotherapy or mental stimulation .
30 You may need a lot of confidence a lot of support and you might even need some help looking after your children if they 're quite young .
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