Example sentences of "[vb mod] need [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will probably be very untidy ( and you may need that ability to cope with unfamiliar attitudes ) but you should not be concerned at this stage with what it looks like , only what it does .
2 At first you may need several trials to get the right amount of heating from the bulb .
3 Advice about any adaptations required will usually be given by the physiotherapist or occupational therapist and the patient may be taken on a home visit to assess his needs ( e.g. amputees may need several aids ) .
4 While some people may need this kind of advice this is highly insulting to unemployed people and reflects how the government view the unemployed .
5 As Matthew gets older and larger , we may need more help .
6 This type may need more height than width .
7 The user must become familiar with the facilities of this search software and therefore may need more training than for the retrieval of information from a database which has been indexed with a controlled indexing language .
8 Further information : Your local community health council is an organisation which helps people who may need more information about local health services .
9 Further north they may need some protection to establish and thrive .
10 We may need some bottles here packing up .
11 We may need some conceptualization , some image , some words , if we are to speak of God ; but scarcely a picture of the universe and a history of humankind such as we have inherited in the Christian creeds .
12 True , one may need some notion of " normal practice " ( in preference perhaps to appropriateness ) even to describe such phenomena , but it would be a mistake to limit pragmatics to the study of that normal practice or appropriateness .
13 Whilst that may work well enough in a small firm ( though even then the theory may need some adjustment , if only for example to permit decisions to be taken while partners are on holiday ) , the complexity which attends the affairs of all solicitors ' practices of any size will make it impossible to give each of the partners such degrees of freedom or power .
14 If colour is applied in a robust manner you may need some support to the canvas where it crosses the stretcher , or you could work on canvas mounted on board .
15 If your band 's sound is less strongly defined , then you may need some help to dream up a style and image Libraries are a good source of inspiration , and by browsing through the books and magazines on fashion you may get some ideas .
16 The parents may need some help in learning to say positive statements to their child and in identifying the times at which to say them .
17 If you find you never get beyond the stage of " falling in love " or " being in love " and meeting the other as the real-life individual behind the projection , then you may need some help to look at what 's happening and why .
18 Robert thinks he may need some help .
19 There is also a microfiche catalogue which is like a miniature card catalogue which you may need some help with and the computer catalogue which you will definitely need some help with .
20 New parents may need some information in understanding the developmental progress of bowel function .
21 Many of these applications may need some form of handwriting recognition .
22 If you have been very much home-based , you may need some encouragement from your partner in getting involved in community activities or a hobby ; and it may be necessary , in order to avoid being over dependent on another person .
23 For those employees who may need some encouragement in the privacy of their home to help them stop smoking , Andrew has a video which is available on loan .
24 A well-constructed septic tank should need little maintenance apart from emptying once a year , but it is important that not too much disinfectant , bleach or detergent is used in the house — otherwise , the bacteriological action could be affected and the tank stop working .
25 you should , you should need some indulgence from this exercise it 's exertion , it 's so awful
26 If you should need any help … ’
27 Though why she should need any kind of defence against Niall Grant was a question to which there seemed no logical answer .
28 Just two body styles are available : Classic S and Classic T , neither of which should need any explanation !
29 It logically follows from this that a fit person should need less sleep than an unfit one , or a man than a woman , or a grown-up than a child .
30 might need more support .
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