Example sentences of "[vb mod] know what [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chief executive may know what change is needed , but has to wait for the right time to introduce it .
2 He must know what evidence has been given and what statements have been made affecting him , and then he must be given a fair opportunity to correct or contradict them . "
3 You have to know where you are all the time ; this means you must know what mile number you are at , so on day 4 you may be at mile 47 .
4 By ‘ information ’ Lorenz means that , in order for an animal 's behaviour to be adapted to the environment , the animal must have some knowledge ( information ) of the environment : if an animal is to perform some adaptive behaviour , such as finding food , it must know what food looks like .
5 It is naturally important to them that their children and grandchildren should know what life was like when they were young , and although younger people may not realise it at the time , a knowledge of their own family history and the characters that made it can be valuable to them , too , if they are to understand themselves and their own lives .
6 A woman should know what sort of a man she was starting to fall in love with .
7 If this work is bring done by the government or by outside agencies , it is arguable that the Commons should know what information has been collected and , if no work is being done , members should be in a position to insist that this be remedied .
8 And if we make an appointment to view some places and then we 'll know what time we 've got to doing the shopping and fit it in round taking mum .
9 George ; So you 'll know what band you 're house is in then
10 A little twin-engined plane buzzed overhead , Brian 'd know what kind .
11 Well we had er , we took out all the gear for that , so I knew a lot , being a crane driver I 'd know what gear I wanted but a lot of these stevedores what are on there now , they were lorry drivers and they ai n't got a clue what they do , so there part of my job meant I 'd go round and give advice .
12 The service standards could have been just circulated internally , but making them public meant everyone would know what level of service they had a right to expect from the police .
13 Right and you would know what style to use , would n't you , or would you ?
14 Very few in this sector — young as well as old — would know what polychlorethene was .
15 ‘ You would think the council would know what type of grass was there by now .
16 Thanks to your article , ‘ The Perfect Copy ’ , many readers will know what art is : it is everything that copying is n't .
17 Anyone who has read The Hound of the Baskervilles will know what fate is in store for those who wander off into a mire !
18 Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be .
19 Whoever loves that one , she thought , will know what pain is .
20 Ernest Gellner and Alastair MacIntyre have both argued for the need for a judgement to be made about the degree of internal coherence and rationality in belief systems , before the sociologist can know what type of explanation to apply to the beliefs he is studying .
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