Example sentences of "[vb mod] know [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 What we are saying is , the patient ought to be able to determine at any stage of their illness what care they receive , and they ought to know what is coming next .
2 In some cases ( for instance distress sales by receivers , in situations of insolvency ) both parties may know there is a doubt as to title but want to take the chance anyway .
3 When industry takes such decisions , the DTI must be involved and must know what is going on .
4 The accused must know he is a trespasser or be reckless to that fact .
5 You must know he is n't . "
6 ‘ To avoid the strath — they must know it is all ours. , ‘ Then who is the big-wig ?
7 Must be a risk , they must know there is a risk , must n't they .
8 You should know what is normal for you and consult your GP if any changes occur which concern you .
9 It is all very well , he argues , to say that voters should know what is going on , and use this knowledge to formulate their own electoral decisons ; but not when they are ‘ acting on duff information ’ .
10 You should know what is normal for you and consult your GP if any changes occur which concern you .
11 If you are visiting old friends , you should know what is acceptable , and can even ask ‘ Shall I bring a bottle — white or red ? ’
12 The second requirement is that he should know what is said against him .
13 That each stage of education and training can build on what has gone before requires that the manager at each stage should know what is happening elsewhere .
14 Life is earnest and , as a responsible individual , I should know what is going on .
15 ‘ Watch your lip Gatesey , ’ he said in a quiet voice , which held more menace then a shout ‘ You of all people should know there is always an angle for a bit of profit , like salmon poaching for instance . ’
16 How soon will it be before you 'll know what is going to be the first production ?
17 She 'll know who is speaking . ’
18 And then , then , I will restore him what I denied him , and graciously accept the proffer of it again as a tribute to me , so that for ever afterwards he shall know who is master between us two friends .
19 ‘ He will know what is the right thing to do and so will the people who manage the building where the fight is being held . ’
20 ‘ Then you will know what is required of you . ’
21 Collectors familiar with Marguerite Long 's recordings of the two Fauré Piano Quartets will know she is ideal in these works .
22 Most of the signals are only noted subconsciously but , with a little effort , it is quite easy to become more aware of them so that , should a warning bell ring at the back of your head , you will know it is time to be careful .
23 If you see the caterpillars crawling around on the bottom of the cage , you will know it is time to put some soil there .
24 Humans will know it is a robot , not an animal .
25 He often mentions his friend Mark in his letters , and knows his mother will know he is in love .
26 Antony says how , basically , that he is going to lie about the conspirators , and the crowd will know he is meaning the opposite .
27 They can be tedious if repeated too often — and if each character does have her own recognisable pattern of language , then the reader will know who is speaking without being told .
28 The ones that study the search market even more closely will know who is particularly good at what and who has done recent searches .
29 It is hard to portray them so that your readers will know who is who each time one of them appears .
30 That way we will know who is in there and where . ’
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