Example sentences of "[vb mod] not do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They told her over and over again that she must not do it , but she could n't help it .
2 Then , curled up in bed that night , she told Fenna that she must not do it anymore , she must not wander off , he must not let her .
3 ‘ You must not do it , Jamie , we 'll be in trouble with Colonel James , I 've told all you boys a thousand times . ’
4 You must not do it yourself ?
5 ‘ You must not do it ! ’
6 A tough looker is not necessarily a tough fighter , and we should not do him the favour of allowing his warpaint to add to our problems .
7 We should not do it for our sex .
8 Essentially they should not do it it unless absolutely necessary .
9 I really thought it was going to be sort of ‘ You must not drink ever again' and ‘ You naughty boy , you must n't do it ever again' sort of thing .
10 So , for instance , if she tips a pot of paint over Jamie 's drawing , tell her she must n't do it again , because she has spoiled the picture , Jamie is upset — and how would she like it if someone did that to her picture ?
11 No I do n't think so , I think there 's a difference because the other excesses were on the peasants ' part now it 's okay whatever the peasants did , you know , it 's not terrible it 's , it 's fine to let the peasants do that , and also erm into the war period the peasants are gon na but must n't do it , this time it 's like okay , now we 're the party that 's saying let's go as far as we can .
12 Yeah you 're okay , you can go swimming , it should n't do you any harm .
13 I ca n't see why the ordinary housewife should n't do it . ’
14 I should n't do it again today or they 'll have the law on you .
15 Although a whole fashion can not be reversed by a single book , Gurin and Bennett provide a scientific analysis of dieting and why most people should n't do it .
16 I 've told him , he should n't do it . ’
17 His friend vows steadfastness in friendship , but repeats his warning : his illness came from too much study , and he should n't do it again .
18 If doing a deal with another company will help you to get their records out to people then I ca n't see why you should n't do it .
19 In fact he virtually told us we should n't do it .
20 Tom told him he should n't do it , should tell them he was n't going to co-operate any more .
21 ‘ I 'm not sure we should n't do it all outside .
22 I 'm not saying we should n't do it I 'm saying we do n't do it .
23 " You should n't do it at all . "
24 We 're not sure why research Right , so I 'm going to carry on with anyway and we 're going to start by looking at pages forty two and forty three , forty two and as you can see the units is entitled Should n't Do it to a Dog .
25 erm strike out , interim payment , order fourteen er itself , there 's always still available to them , erm that the other side of the coin is if they get their money and of course they 're going to be threatening bankruptcy for some four thousand odd Names , I mean that 's , that 's equally devastating to individuals , erm my Lord , one would be into a type of argument on balance of convenience if we were at this stage , one would be considering the bankruptcy of the names , whether they have the funds to pay , even if judgment is given against them because vast majority do n't and what would be the point of giving judgment , this order fourteen cases saying one should n't do it in those circumstances , what if the names are right , will they get the money back , will they get a cross undertaking damages and pre er , er and to what extent do now have the funds , to what extent will it actually effect their business in the light of of
26 Erm , again if you 're not comfortable doing this kind of thing then you should n't do it obviously , and the last thing on the monthly calendar card is as you 'll see er , er on the twenty fourth , twenty fifth , twenty sixth and twenty seventh , it has another personal message there .
27 I should n't do it .
28 They should n't do it on er , visibility 's not very good either is it ?
29 You should n't do it at .
30 Sorry , I should n't do it the other side cos it wobbled .
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