Example sentences of "[vb mod] to be and " in BNC.

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1 Powders are not what they used to be and today 's formulations wo n't clog , streak or look heavy , provided you apply them properly .
2 Through events of different kinds we are likely to be put in touch with aspects of ourselves which previously have been overlooked — we are given a jolt , and have to make a bridge between how things used to be and how they threatened .
3 Of course , there are plenty of bands around who still shun the use of a digital recording system in favour of its analogue forbears , but fings ai n't want they used to be and DAT 's the truth .
4 Employers are not as co-operative as they used to be and players ca n't afford to throw up a job with the employment market as it is ’ — GEORGE SPOTSWOOD ( Irish RFU technical officer ) .
5 The General , half the beast it used to be and back in the red at the mid-point of 1992 , will be lucky to break even this year , despite vast attempts over the last three years to clear the decks and keep a tight ship .
6 However , this is much less widespread than it used to be and two surgeons from Guys Hospital in London and Withington Hospital in Manchester believe this is a mistake .
7 And erm some houses used to some houses used to go up some steps and two steps and The one where I used to be and you went you used to go up two steps .
8 She left the car outside the churchyard in a space where the cockpit used to be and walked home .
9 Her only way of coping with her over-identification with my situation was to try to reassert control over the child I used to be and prevent the cycle repeating itself .
10 She saw the spell-binder he used to be and the strength of personality that bound people to him .
11 Doctors are held in high regard by society , teachers used to be and social workers strive to be .
12 Perhaps there used to be and I lost it .
13 We never used to go Here we used to be and on the beach there .
14 I watched the smoky flame waver inside the place where the dog 's brains used to be and I closed my eyes .
15 I slipped an old Eurythmics tape into the cassette deck I have installed where Armstrong 's meter used to be and adjusted the speakers so the full effect came in the front rather than the back .
16 ‘ It is n't the stigma that it used to be and — ’
17 New housing ( Seaview Gardens ) is under construction where the pit offices used to be and in Nelson Close twin symbols of the Conservative years the television dish and the burglar alarm sprout with the Spring .
18 that 's the only link with Caldmore as it used to be and Caldmore as it is now
19 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
20 What I do n't understand if all they need to do is revert back to what they used to be and come straight through on the on the ordinary route .
21 The authority of the verderers , like that of the coroners , had ended with the previous reign , so the king sent out orders to the sheriffs to make arrangements for the election of ‘ as many verderers as there ought to be and used to be ’ in nineteen forests south of Trent , and in Sherwood Forest north of it , ‘ as no verderer is as yet elected therein by command of the King ,
22 It has dawned on the stock market that accounts are not as reliable as they ought to be and that dubious accounting practices may reflect underlying difficulties or at least lead to some distortion in the market 's valuation of a company 's shares .
23 We now understand in a general way how strong any particular solid ought to be and why it falls short of that strength in practice .
24 The acceptance of such a scheme meant that the government had accepted , albeit for economic and demographic reasons , the principle that ‘ society should include in its economic structure some form of direct financial provision for the maintenance of children , instead of proceeding on the assumption that , save in cases of exceptional misfortune , this is a matter which concerns only individual parents and should be left to them because normally men 's wages or salaries are , or ought to be and can be made to be , sufficient for the support of their families ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 ) .
25 ‘ I adopted what I conceived to be a classless accent , ’ he said , ‘ as that is what I thought Byron ought to be and that is what I am .
26 change the way that we thought children ought to be and educa
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