Example sentences of "[vb mod] be people who " in BNC.

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1 Pray that they may be people who rely on God 's healing and allow him to set them back on the track of feeding the lambs .
2 I do realise , however , that there may be people who feel that way but are keeping quiet about it …
3 However , in the world of Orwell 's 1984 there may be people who although sure that the events abolished by official historiography did happen , are not so sure that the experiences treasured in memory keep the value which official propaganda degrades ; they might be happier for the assurance that , in the sense that it remains true that an event happened even if universally forgotten an experience remains good even if in universally shrinking awareness there will never again be anyone capable of appreciating it .
4 These may be people who seem to have always been anxious , people with a predisposition to worry .
5 It is a busy main route from Wellingborough to Northampton and there may be people who were just making casual purchases .
6 They would be people who 'd be able to do that police authority in Norwich , in Chelmsford , in Newcastle in Penrith and all the other force areas in England and Wales .
7 Some of these extra students will be people who are entering after several years in employment , or after years spent bringing up a family ; others will be coming straight from secondary education .
8 ‘ I appreciate that there will be people who will hate this album just as much as there will be those that will like it .
9 Such people have a concave utility of income function , i.e. Amongst them there will be people who are more or less risk-averse at any given income .
10 will be people who would
11 What we can say is that the landscape and the resources are already there as background noise and it will be people who decide on the importance of the new material and how , or even if , it is used .
12 In addition , remember that within your own firm there will be people who have come from other law firms , who have an interest in technology or who may have contacts in the business .
13 ‘ The worst hit will be people who pay taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts ’ ‘ What is the point of having laws and courts if large numbers of people can not use them because of the price ? ’
14 That 'll do , I mean there will be people who take the whole damn lot , although I do n't want to be embarrassed
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