Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [adj] without " in BNC.

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1 Because of the immediate nature of such patients ' problems it is important that whatever form of help is offered should be available without too much delay , and for this reason health-centre-based therapists may be of particular value , as has been shown in the case of psychologists ( Robson et al. 1984 ) and social workers ( Shepherd et al. 1979 ) .
2 A substantial increase in water industry investment should be possible without stimulating higher inflation , or a deterioration in the balance of payments .
3 The Council also says that taking legal action should be possible without having to send a solicitor 's letter first , as seems to be general practice at the moment .
4 The House of Commons Transport Committee considered the prospects for a fixed link in the light of changing European Community thinking on transport , and in March 1980 the British Minister of Transport invited tenders on the strict understanding that they should be viable without any form of public support or guarantee .
5 ‘ ( The European Parliament ) … considers that , in the absence of palliative care correctly provided at both psychological and medical level , each time a fully conscious patient insistently and repeatedly requests an end to an existence which has for him been robbed of all dignity , and each time a team of doctors created for that purpose , established the impossibility of providing further specific care , the request should be satisfied without thereby involving any breach of respect for human life . ’
6 They impress me less in the beautiful central Andante in C minor : it needs expressive playing which should be poignant without overstepping the bounds of musical propriety that Mozart set himself , and here it sounds merely pleasing .
7 I 'd like to emphasize that this idea that time and space should be finite without boundary is just a proposal : it can not be deduced from some other principle .
8 Another safeguard that it seems to me that any such policy should have should be that development of the site must be possible without breaching reasonable and appropriate environmental standards .
9 God does not even ‘ need ’ the world in the sense imagined by those who suppose He must be lonely without it .
10 There is no sense of the various nuances involved in the attributions , nor that some might be inconceivable without language .
11 Willy sees himself as the beneficent saviour who will ‘ irrigate ’ her ‘ emotional desert ’ ( 17,138 ) , and any attempt by her to suggest that she might be happier without him is ‘ blackmarked against me as pretentiousness ’ ( 136 ) .
12 I always knew that she was not going to stay — perhaps I 'll be better without her .
13 ‘ And … you 're going away now … and I 'll be lonely without you . ’
14 He had designed the first ‘ luxury ’ cinemas in the land , the most famous of which was the Regent in Brighton , showing that you could be lavish without being vulgar .
15 Thus , a military solution was seen as a primary requisite for solving the overall Indo-China problem ; but one that in no sense could be decisive without what the report called ‘ the application of political and economic techniques ’ .
16 But the conditions of farming in a largely self-sufficient community , where needs could be satisfied without moving out of the village , made for at least a formal unity in the rural group .
17 Doc Threadneedle had warned her that the alterations he had made would affect her mind , so she could be confused without realizing it .
18 You 'd be miserable without me !
19 I expect , now , I 'd be miserable without you , both .
20 I know dozens of officers with their own quirks of taste , dress and behaviour and they 're just real people who 'd be incomplete without such little fads .
21 Community legislation may be comprehensive without necessarily dealing with the precise point raised by the Member State , and may therefore have the effect of ‘ freezing ’ the situation .
22 It is important to bear in mind the wide range of inter-agency linkages that may be necessary without reference to the subject matter of those linkages .
23 An early neuropathy may be present without major disturbances such as orthostatic hypotension , impotence or urinary incontinence , but it may be enough to disturb the fine regulation of gut motility , causing slow transit constipation .
24 For example , emergency action , such as the suspension of a firm from membership pending investigation , may be permissible without holding a formal hearing .
25 ‘ Though , of course , he added , ‘ a thing may be original without being good . ’
26 Nagel 's profound point is that even where the agent is at the mercy of fate , and though it seems irrational upon reflection , our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without attributing to the agent responsibility and culpability in a wide range of cases of moral luck .
27 Thirdly , and consequentially , I argued that the elements of harmful consequences liability which are exhibited by the criminal law do not disqualify it from the status of positive moral order , because conventional morality ( as opposed to the critical morality of Kant or Smith , for example ) incorporates a notion of moral luck and indeed our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without some such idea .
28 Now , of course , nobody denies that certain processes ( blood flow , neural transmission etcetera ) occur in the brain and that behaviour would be impossible without them .
29 For example , neutron activation analysis ( see glossary ) , one of the techniques used to determine the composition of ancient ceramics , would be impossible without a computer program , since the calculations required are so complex and extensive that not even the most resilient individual armed with a pocket calculator could possibly complete them in a single lifetime .
30 Modern business would be impossible without computers , soon it will be impossible without the help of expert systems .
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