Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [adj] out " in BNC.

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1 NEC should be first out with compatible products this December , followed by Sony and Sanyo Electric in mid 1993 , Nihon Olivetti in the 3rd quarter of 1993 on its M-700 platform , and Silicon Graphics probably late in 1993 .
2 Make each succeeding effort a little harder , but none of the repeats should be all out .
3 It was published by Stanley Paul , but it must be long out of print .
4 ‘ Those poor little girls must be frightened out of their minds !
5 There is a certain elegance in having a state-of-the-art , pressurised hot water tank feeding a big round shower head that could be straight out of the Savoy .
6 As the car swings off the road into the technology park , the ducks rise from the man-made lake in the middle , while the surrounding buildings could be straight out of Silicon Valley , or a quieter version of the Thames Valley .
7 Secretly Margaret thought he 'd be better out of the racing business .
8 If you 're lying in bed trying to go to sleep and you 're screwing yourself into a ball of self-disgust , you 're gon na find the sheets get colder and your limbs get stiffer , and if you do n't break the mood you 'd be better out of bed .
9 in actual fact , because they thought she 'd be better out of the way , had the baby last night ?
10 Do n't look so shocked , Claudia — he 'd never marry you ; you would n't fit in with his lifestyle and he 'd be bored out of his mind in a month . ’
11 She 'd be worried out of her mind .
12 So you 're saying the chances of getting four aces , provided you put it back each time and shuffled them again , would be sixteen out of fifty two .
13 Why do n't they have it right down there at that end where there 's no smoking and the little children would be right out of the way .
14 Now promise me that you will be alive out there , Constance .
15 Meanwhile , Unix System Laboratories Inc is claiming that it will be first out of the gate with a commercial version of WizDom by mid-1993 .
16 On Tuesday , the order of practice will be 250–125 Superbikes , reversed on Thursday when the Superbikes will be first out .
17 RAY WILKINS knows old club Manchester United will be all out for revenge today after Queens Park Rangers effectively cost them the title last year .
18 Because when you get into bed it will be all out .
19 ‘ It will be lonely out there without you . ’
20 Like advances from record companies , this will be recoupable out of future royalties .
21 A few more years like 1992 and IBM will be plain out of business .
22 Psychiatric they have erm not been there were proposals originally from the Conservative group to discontinue that service , but as part of the erm negotiations that took place that was withdrawn , but there is a , I think , a ten thousand pound efficiency cut to be made in the P S W service , so it is not being cut , but erm the sum is being reduced , and it will be self-financing out of efficiency measures .
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