Example sentences of "[vb mod] tell [pers pn] whether " in BNC.

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1 Paraphrasing should tell you whether you can answer the question .
2 ‘ All right , then , tell me what it was this friend of yours had me do for him , and I 'll tell you whether I can do ‘ something similar ’ . ’
3 She said : ‘ Tell me what the story is and I 'll tell you whether your contact is any good . ’
4 he , erm and he 'll tell you whether it 's worth repairing or not Joyce
5 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
6 But the only person who could tell us whether Connon was in or not is Mary Connon , and she 's dead . ’
7 I wonder if he could tell us whether he is prepared to amend the legislation in this fashion , and perhaps tell the House exactly what other amendments he needs to make in order to take account of changing circumstances .
8 Yes , erm very , very quickly , erm I notice that the swimming pool and river bathing visits had more than doubled , I just wondered what the cause of that was , and whether in fact it was mainly related to the swimming pools or to the river bathing bit erm places , and the second one is , regarding the noise , I notice that it has shot up , the number of visits to seven twenty one , but in fact , the prosecution 's only gone up to one , and I wondered if Mr Fenn could tell us whether in fact because of the higher profile that had been given to this erm activity , due to its possible cut , whether in fact more people are aware of it and there were more
9 They did this over two weeks , but there was no means of knowing the energies of the neutrons , the essential information that would tell them whether they were from the fusion of deuterium and be the final proof .
10 What you should do — if you were sophisticated — was just give the glass a swirl and sniff , which would tell you whether or not the wine was off .
11 The Edinburgh Summit will tell us whether it has a real will to succeed .
12 General personality traits emerge from this , which will tell us whether we are dealing with individuals who will tend to cope with problems optimistically or pessimistically ; whether they are hopeful or depressive ; whether they are extrovert or introvert , and so on .
13 If we are trying to understand why different animals behave differently , the value of the heritability of the behaviour in question will tell us whether one possible factor — genetic variation — is at work .
14 Perhaps he will tell us whether that is ’ sweatshop ’ investment .
15 Perhaps the hon. Member for Sedgefield will tell us whether he approves of that development .
16 I hope that the Secretary of State for Wales will tell us whether the rumours are correct that this week — perhaps tomorrow — the Government will make statements on local government finance for 1992-93 .
17 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
18 So funct the functional form test will see erm will tell us whether we ought to possibly log the data or whether we ought to unlog the data and just do a regression in er er in absolute levels as opposed to logs .
19 Gradual changes give clues as to the shape and orientation of a surface ; for example , if you know where the light is coming from , changes in brightness will tell you whether the surface is concave or convex .
20 Again , a simple colour change in the test will tell you whether or not you are soon to be a mum .
21 He will tell you whether there are any restrictions on the type of insulation that can be used ( urea-formaldehyde foam is not generally recommended in areas exposed to severe driving rain , for example ) .
22 and they will tell you whether or not
23 A solicitor will tell you whether you have a case and what your chances of succeeding in any claim might be ; he or she will advise you where — Court or Tribunal — and will explain the procedure and steps to be taken throughout , and will represent you in negotiations with your employer if you wish .
24 The companies publish information leaflets which give a rough guide to whether you are likely to benefit from having a meter and will tell you whether one is possible for your house .
25 Searching this database on the company name will tell you whether or not we currently maintain a file for them .
26 Payment is at the discretion of your Manager who will tell you whether or not you qualify for such a payment .
27 a telephone call will tell you whether you 've the papers wo n't be drawn up but they will be able to tell him on through the phone whether it 's okay .
28 She went on : ‘ I 'll make another guess and you can tell me whether I 'm right or way off target .
29 Paul , before you get any help you can tell me whether you arranged to have me followed this afternoon . ’
30 As Fergus Campbell has suggested , if the ERP can tell us whether or not the subject has seen a light , it takes the psycho out of psychophysics .
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