Example sentences of "[vb mod] think [prep] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 It swam straight into my chest and bowled me over , thank God it swam on but the adrenalin was flowing so all I could think about was what sort of picture I 'd got .
2 Edward was still kissing her , his tongue circling inside her mouth , but all she could think about was this new sensation between her legs , a little like the way she felt when they danced , but even better .
3 ‘ When you consider the difficulties Diana has it speaks volumes that all she could think about was someone else .
4 All I could think about was the terrible consequences had we lost .
5 All he could think about was the impending phone call .
6 Charlotte felt it was for Ursula to say , but all Ursula could think about was her living daughter , not her dead husband .
7 For now , all she could think about was getting away .
8 And all that she could think about was , why did Josie want her out of the way ?
9 KATE was left sitting alone once more as Ace stormed off , but she hardly noticed he 'd gone because all she could think about was how the fuel blend had let them down .
10 There were only a few spots of blood and all I could think about was how Mum must n't see them .
11 And all I could think about was George , about how I had nothing at all left for George now .
12 All I could think about was getting back to speak to you . ’
13 Madness , but in this excruciating moment of part-excitement , part-horror the only thing she could think about was her wise choice of what to wear tonight .
14 All she could think about was what had happened in this room last night — what had almost happened , what , undoubtedly , would have happened — if Nicolo had n't made the mistake of revealing his true intentions .
15 Chief Insp Dick Copeman of Cleveland Police 's traffic unit said there were three men and one young girl in the car and all the younger men could think about was themselves .
16 It was the last lecture of the day , and all I could think about was getting back to Chelsea Terrace .
17 ‘ All I could think about was Donald .
18 All I could think of was that joke — ‘ What has four legs and an arm ?
19 When we first started with him , even when we were rehearsing properly with him , all we could think of was that he could n't sing .
20 ‘ Better files than people , I told him , but that did not interest him : all he could think of was the files . ’
21 All he could think of was that he wanted to sneeze .
22 All he could think of was the small , dark , murderous hole .
23 All I could think of was to give a sickly smile and to murmur , ‘ I think you are probably right . ’
24 All he could think of was : ‘ Keep him in a good mood !
25 The only thing he could think of was he was a good swimmer — and a fat lot of good that was to him .
26 The only place I could think of was Stonehenge which must have been spanking new then and as up to date as a Hilton or an out-of-town Sainsburys .
27 As he prodded around all the dreamy romantic feelings she experienced when he kissed her disappeared and all she could think of was when would he stop , and could n't he please just hold her again , very close , with the firm bulge of his body against her , far more erotic through several layers of clothes than his scratching , poking finger .
28 All he could think of was his stepfather 's pale face on the pillow , and the ragged sound of his breathing .
29 The only place she could think of was her father 's .
30 All she could think of was home , her brothers and her father ; all she longed for was to be back among them , back among the mountains and bays and cliffs that she loved — back in Ballingolin , back in Corcaguiney , back in Ireland .
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