Example sentences of "[vb mod] think about [pron] " in BNC.

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1 let's think about what this means for education , let's er , work out how you learn , okay .
2 So , let's think about our objectives , first of all an objective , I might have come to Abbey Life to make money , last year , I might have been working in a factory , earning fifteen , twelve , fifteen thousand a year , and I might make my objective in my first year with Abbey Life to earn sixty thousand pounds .
3 Well let's think about it once more I know you 've done the correct thing cos I 've just looked .
4 Let's think about it some more — but it sounds like something we could go for . ’
5 And let's think about it , there are many people in this county who receive home help service , for instance , who could well afford to pay these charges , and we in the Liberal Democrats see that we can augment the service with the income we get from these charges .
6 ‘ No matter what the fans and the media may think about him , I regard Taylor as a true professional and he has to get his priorities right .
7 I do not know what the majority here or in the country may think about it .
8 I said , ‘ So am I , darling , but the one who is most scared is Patsy , and we must think about her . ’
9 ‘ You said we must think about what they know from bugging us while we were talking after they 'd gone . ’
10 You can not just hop on a train in Sweden , but must think about it carefully and purchase a ticket in advance .
11 ‘ Scotland should think about him because they do n't have players who can go past defenders .
12 Not because of anything to do with the school but he needs special help — I think we should think about your feelings .
13 Perhaps we should think about it , instead of drifting on from day to day .
14 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
15 ‘ You should think about it .
16 He said there might be one way , you know , I should think about it .
17 erm it may be erm a a good idea to use it as a erm as a first scheme perhaps to erm to try and er car park and if you look at that at the beginning and just keep it on a on a rolling programme then all that does n't get so enormous er it does n't get such a a large task so maybe if er , but it does need coordinating perhaps we should think about it .
18 I 'll think about what you 've just said . ’
19 ‘ I 'll think about what you said , Marge .
20 I 'll think about what you 're asking for .
21 It is always my hope and belief that by alerting social workers to the danger for children and parents of the passage of time and requiring them to point these out to the natural parents , that one would be avoiding that sort of drift , and collusion with parents of ‘ Oh do n't worry , you get yourself together and then we 'll think about him coming home . ’
22 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ he says .
23 ‘ Well , I 'll think about it . ’
24 ‘ I 'll think about it . ’
25 ‘ I 'll think about it . ’
26 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ he said .
27 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ said Joe .
28 ‘ I 'll think about it , ’ Tweed told her .
29 ‘ I said I 'll think about it , ’ Tweed responded , refusing to rise to the bait .
30 If it 's a thing that the public thinks is wrong or that is n't really , truly , basically artistic it 'll fade away anyway ten years from now nobody 'll think about it .
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