Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [v-ing] from " in BNC.

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1 As a precaution , Alexandra took her fork round to the far side of the wain , in case her mother should be looking from a window , and plunged and twisted it in most expertly in order to bring out a huge wedge of tawny grasses , cut last summer in these very meadows .
2 I mean , if I stand a chance I should be hearing from any time now really .
3 ‘ I know it is only a discussion paper , ’ Mr Brenan said , ‘ but there are serious concerns about these matters , and , in my opinion , it is a clear pointer to the stance we should be taking from an ethical viewpoint . ’
4 16.41 Pupils working towards levels 8 to 10 should be reading from a wide range of literature written for adults .
5 We also assumed that from the age of 14 able pupils could and should be reading from a range of books written for adults , so the number of suitable authors would make any list quite impracticable .
6 He had begun it , but she was an active participant now , her breast voluptuously offered to the sensual onslaught of his parted lips when she knew she should be shrinking from them .
7 Oxford are also playing at Tranmere in the league next saturday … you can see highlights of the Swindon Town game on Central 's midweek sports special … and no Hereford fan should be missing from Edgar Street on Wednesday with Vinny Jones and the Crazy Gang in town … finally Swindon have put last season 's top scorer Craig Maskell up for sale … he wants first team football
8 I do not therefore consider that I should be departing from the Vice-Chancellor 's decision by reaching a different conclusion on the present Act .
9 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
10 It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who , in other contexts , would be the first to argue , and rightly , that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State , but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way .
11 ‘ The Friends do a worthwhile job , but the health service is trying to raise money from outside when it should be coming from the Government .
12 ‘ The Friends do a worthwhile job , the health service is trying to raise money from outside when it should be coming from the Government .
13 What you should be starting from is the longest chain .
14 We should be starting from their interests , their prospects , their culture .
15 Soon it was realized that these electrons must be coming from within the atoms themselves , and in 1911 the British physicist Ernest Rutherford finally showed that the atoms of matter do have internal structure : they are made up of an extremely tiny , positively charged nucleus , around which a number of electrons orbit .
16 She heard a car go up the road and then still heard it as it travelled some way along the road at the top , and realised the wind must be coming from the south for the sound to come to her so distinctly .
17 It was a small , stuffy room , and yet I distinctly felt a chill in the air , like a draught , and I knew that it must be coming from that other world my uncle had told me about , and that the threshold to it was somewhere very close at hand .
18 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
19 But the illness lingered for over a year , and in the end the doctor decided that she must be suffering from depression .
20 At Weatherfield , Jim McDonald must be suffering from Lady Chatterley-itis the bad-tempered Irishman called his wife a whore in front of the twins , extremely over-the-top , Jim .
21 ‘ Trouble is , Danny , they beat the watchman up an' 'e picked 'em out in an identification parade , so the copper told me. 'E said I might be 'earin' from 'em .
22 It did not usually occur to the client that DPR might be prospering from his losses .
23 She was under control when , in pleasant tones , she stated , ‘ To be more exact , I 'd intended to speak to Lubor to enquire if he 'd any idea when you might be returning from Prague . ’
24 As compositors , one might be working from manuscripts ( in " difficult hands " ) or from earlier editions going to reprint .
25 Similarly , a patient with dyspepsia would need an internal examination by a consultant because he might be suffering from an ulcer which could be quickly treated by drugs , preventing weeks of suffering .
26 Teachers also collected national savings , organised and staffed country holidays for needy children , alerted the school nurse when scabies or head lice appeared , and kept a watchful eye for children who might be suffering from difficulties in sight and hearing .
27 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
28 He took her to the airport nurse , who could find nothing wrong with her but agreed that she might be suffering from jet lag and needed only to rest .
29 You might be suffering from all sorts of delayed effects .
30 A spokesman said as much as 70 per cent of the food being airlifted and trucked into the city might be disappearing from the distribution system .
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