Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adj] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 He meant to look forbidding , but found it difficult when eyes that should be glaring were shut .
2 Finally , the requirement that a bystander should be terrified was qualified where the offence occurred in public , so that it was not necessary to prove either that a bystander was actually terrified , or even present , or even that a bystander was even likely to be present .
3 Ltd. v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha [ 1962 ] , in which it was held that a term implied in a hire contract for a ship that it must be seaworthy was such an innominate term .
4 His proclamation that the moon might be habitable was bound to attract criticism from Aristotelian diehards such as Alexander Ross .
5 Nevertheless , the perception that this might be desirable was reborn , whether for good or for ill , among the twelfth-century rulers of France .
6 Consensus was assumed ; the possibility that ‘ good practice ’ might be problematic was not .
7 Deputy editor Matthew Symonds said the only way the move could be economic was if one of The Times 's rivals was forced out of business .
8 Stone was quarried there seven days a week , he said , and the only way the tarmacadam plant could be competitive was by having the flexibility to work on Sundays when necessary .
9 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
10 Indeed it would be surprising were we able to do so , since there are some fairly clear empirical examples of industries where publicly owned concerns have been of superior or equal efficiency to private ones , as we shall see in chapter 7 .
11 The idea that competition for audience share would be virtuous was thus an innovation .
12 Council staff provided an estimate of the gap between rates payable in Scotland in 1990/91 and the rates that would be payable were the same system in place as is in England ( The Uniform Business Rate ) .
13 Phil 's discovery of Laura 's need to believe she had decided whether or not a new idea would be successful was an essential prerequisite for anyone who wanted a good working relationship with her .
14 The competition authorities should concern themselves with firms ' conduct only when there is reason to believe that competition is absent ( or would be absent were the conduct permitted ) .
15 I would be grateful were you to bring this Mass to the attention of the people through your parish bulletins .
16 States have shown a capacity for self-destruction in the past and wars have come with a regularity which would be monotonous were it not so horrifying ; history belies the claims of statesmen to be in charge of events .
17 To human beings the existence of exploitative relations of production would be agonizing were they perceived simply as exploitative .
18 Despite the relief provided by a wide , bashful grin , Singleton 's arrogance would be unbearable were it not fuelled by righteous indignation and an urgent need to communicate .
19 The incident would be funny were it not that a similar stunt had been pulled in Kismayu , southern Somalia 's largest port , at the end of March .
20 All this would be fine were it not for the fact that Pearce has chosen to support the main course of his assault with a little verbal side-dish , to wit : an attack on Punch .
21 For more than a week , a group of grey-suited former communists has played with the nation 's future with an irresponsibility and spite that would be risible were it not so dangerous .
22 Overcoming these rivalries , which would be pretty were they not so debilitating , has proved harder than talking about them .
23 THE stubborn candidature of Mr John Browne for Winchester would be comic were it not also deceitful — he proclaims himself the Conservative in all his literature — and dangerous to the Tory interest in a desperately close election .
24 Although at one point Lear is willing to return to Goneril , since she seems to be allowing him fifty knights , Regan only twenty-five , so that ‘ Thy fifty yet doth double five-and-twenty , /And thou art twice her love ’ ( II.iv.260ff. ) — a quantification of love that would be comic were its effects not so awful — Lear becomes enraged by the two of them , and prefers ‘ To wage against the enmity o ’ th' air' than live with them .
25 The Detectives , which pulled in bumper viewing figures when it was shown on BBC earlier this year , was a revelation for Jasper whose stand-up routines of recent years if I can be frank were dire .
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