Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you , yes they should be but stand up and I 'm only trying to help in the situation .
2 These also suggest what the answer should be or indicate the questioner 's point of view , e.g. ‘ Are you against excessive cuts in university funding ? ’ .
3 Good d Good does in fact do what you said and his recommendation er for final salary schemes is er a third of the trustees should be or have the right to be er from the , the members and er er we 've in our er comments to you have er looked at a global point of view and said no not are these proposals worthy in themselves , but using a different criteria that if they had been law as Ken said earlier , would they have stopped Maxwell and a situation where a third of the trustees were er were they members er would have made no difference er cos typically in our cases there were originally about four trustees er and unfortunately for us , three of them were named Maxwell .
4 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
5 Find out what colours they should be and colour them in .
6 It means that they should be and do what we would reasonably expect of them .
7 Their discussion of what the press ‘ should be and do ’ reflects an East — West Cold War divide and they set out ideal , polar positions so as to highlight differences .
8 Managers decide what the objectives of the organisation should be and quantify the targets of achievement for each objective .
9 When we 've actually given you the full thing in , the minutes , the mights , and where and whatever , you can look at it and say hey , there 's too much of that but what we 're addressing is the moral aspect of a child 's upbringing that perhaps we should be and say well right fine er , it might , I 'm just taking on environmental , right , now the year children to do environment there , but it 's really happening down there , I feel that these children in the past have n't he so can we take that out this year and bring in something totally new , totally different that you feel should go in erm so that it is more rationalised it 's not just my people doing what they want when you see the , the whole thing you can make suggestions and we come back and go back through it again we actually say to the form teachers this is what this will definitely happen for this term but when we 've looked at the whole five year sa side we might change some things .
10 Wallace Ellwood 's plan had been a loose one : find out how great a risk Annie Roland might be and act accordingly .
11 I sat up , and tried to see what this might be or mean , and saw the door of my chamber slowly open and he , the stranger , came striding in , dry now , with black curly hair and a dangerous smiling face .
12 There has been little discussion , however , about what this ‘ tragedy ’ might be or mean .
13 And they called me more or less er to do the odd jobs you know and in the brew house , as was here , I fixed , I told you once , I fixed a bench up , it was as tight as could be and put a vice on it and all in here , this shop here , they says you can come in here anytime and do what you like and er
14 The house band and the musical instruments he gathers together here — drawn variously from the ranks of primitive innovator Harry Partch and his disciple Tom Waits — are as far from normal as you can get , as far from easy listening as you could be and go right to the psychic core of the Mingus muse .
15 ‘ Saint I may be but schmuck I ai n't .
16 Hard as nails he may be but do n't let anyone tell you Hank has n't got a sense of humour .
17 Hard as nails he may be but do n't let anyone tell you Hank has n't got a sense of humour .
18 Erm tt whether that 's appropriate , you know , I 'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to get a general picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er , you know , er you mentioned here you 're a member of the squash club , do you remember I said I 'd be looking for introductions , maybe we 'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I 'm do doing is keeping that in my mind , that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later , although I did n't er elaborate on it at that , that er because I think you can go off at a tangent
19 5.4.2 To replace from time to time the Landlord 's fixtures and fittings in the Premises which may be or become beyond repair at any time during or at the expiration of the Term
20 5.10.1 Not to do nor allow to remain upon the Premises anything which may be or become or cause a nuisance annoyance disturbance inconvenience injury or damage to the Landlord or [ its ] tenants or the owners or occupiers of adjacent or neighbouring premises
21 As Walzer has said , ‘ however useful we may be or want to be our usefulness is not organised or given expression within the political community .
22 Any party requiring general discovery may give notice in writing to any other party requiring him to make discovery by list of the documents , relating to any question in the proceedings , which may be or have been in his possession or power .
23 Between 13 November and 22 December 1989 we will be exclusively entitled to your services and to all the products thereof and all rights therein shall be and remain our exclusive property .
24 During the shooting and on-line editing of the Video we will be exclusively entitled to your services and to all the products thereof and all rights therein shall be and remain our exclusive property .
25 During the shooting and on-line editing of the Video we will be exclusively entitled to your services and to all the products thereof and all rights therein shall be and remain our exclusive property .
26 In this case , goods were sold subject to a retention of title clause ( condition 8:1 of the contract ) which provided : Title of each item of goods sold or agreed to be sold shall remain vested in the Company [ ie the sellers ] until the full purchase price and all additional charges relating to that item and all and any other monies for the time being owing by the customer [ ie the buyers ] to the Company shall have been paid in full to the customer ( and all products into which such items held by the customer ) ( and all products into which such items come to be converted or incorporated ) shall be and remain the property of the Company and shall be held by the customer as trustee for the Company but with liberty for the customer to pass title as the Company 's agent on its own account ( but subject to 8.2 below ) bona fide for full value in the normal course of the customer 's trading .
27 " Item whereas there is Sixscore pounds due unto mee by Roger Harper and Johnn Barrett Payable at Certen Dayes and tymes agreed uponn betweene us , My mynde and will ys That the Somme of Fortye pounds being a Thirdd parte of the sayd Sixscore pounds shall be and remayne to the augmentacion and increase of the wages of the Schoolemaster of Stockport for the tyme beinge , for ever , to be hadd and receaved at suche dayes and tymes as the same shall bee due , And further I do will and bequeath the sume of Tenn pounds for and towards the augmenting of the Schoolmasters wages afforesayd to make upp the sayd sume of Fortye pounds the Full sume of Fyftie pounds All the sayd Sume to be Imployed and used for the benefit of the Schoolemaster afforesayde by the Parsonn of Stockporte the Maior of Stockport and the most Auncyent Alderman thereof for the time being .
28 ‘ Sir , even when he is not angry you do not know his habits , how filthy he can be and expect me — ’
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