Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 That sort of decision should be under some sort of democratic decision making ability .
2 The general standard of living is so much better , I have a f—ed-up up family — who does n't have a f—ed-up family ? — I 'm screwed-up and should be in some psychiatrist 's office , but in general there was n't that much for me to worry about , and I think that 's a lot less common in England .
3 Which should be in some cases be doubled in very bad weather like that .
4 I should be in some embarrassment if my name were to appear in the newspapers , for instance . ’
5 Whatever you write , it should be in some sense original .
6 Should be in some from er
7 ‘ They must be on some bonus for the FA Cup semi final — none of them want to miss it !
8 They must be on some sort of a one of the meters or somebody 's meter or somewhere .
9 We have to confess that we are at a stage of understanding where any answer must be to some extent tentative .
10 The emotional response shows how upsetting it must be for some , but private nursing homes provide good quality care , better than we can provide and cheaper than we can provide .
11 It may still be objected that , though pupils at school must be in some way ranked in order of merit , the only way to do this that would not be restrictive is by in-school assessment .
12 Even if we are assured that the creatures in question are not in any pain , some people will prolong the argument either by insisting that they must be in some sort of distress , or by claiming that even if they are not overtly suffering , what is happening to them is cruel and unwarranted exploitation .
13 Surely the bundles must be in some kind of order .
14 If only because the offence is defined in terms of ‘ duty ’ the concept must be in some way limited to the ways that the law obliges the constable to act , in however attenuated or weak a sense of that word .
15 And even then the said imagination must be in some place heavily impregnated with magic , which helps to weaken the walls between the world of the seen and unseen .
16 are clearly right to emphasise that new forms of politics and people 's support of these politics must be in some way connected to changing social structures and crises within capitalist society .
17 It was long believed that remarriage and the prospects of remarriage must be taken into account when considering a widower 's claim but this must be in some doubt following the wide interpretation given to s4 of the Act in Stanley v Siddique [ 1992 ] 1 QB 1 : see Kemp & Kemp ( Sweet & Maxwell ) 22 – 004 et seq .
18 I was genuinely concerned that Bev might be under some stress or pressure from the many attacks she was dealing with .
19 Attractive he might be to some people , but he was out of her league and anyway , she was n't interested .
20 There was no evidence that Berowne had started his own meal — that in itself might be of some help in deciding on the approximate time of death — but he had apparently either cajoled Harry into the church with the promise of a meal or , more likely , had supplied an obvious and immediate need before he was ready for his own share of the supper .
21 Variability in ME , however , has sometimes been perceived as an obstacle rather than a resource , and as a result information that might be of some value to the historian has been rejected from the canon .
22 Besides , I might be of some help settling the young gentleman . ’
23 He felt he had his hand on a way to proceed , and one that might be of some consequence , with luck .
24 I have just prepared a paper for my Executive Committee on this and I have enclosed a copy in the hope it might be of some value .
25 Some interesting and useful things can be done in the way of improving specific item search systems , but only if the catalogue has considerable " knowledge " of bibliographical items ( for example , one can envisage a catalogue which could say , " We have n't got Joseph Matthews on online catalogue screen displays , but there is an article in Library trends which might be of some interest " ) .
26 Her grandfather had suggested , without conviction , that she might be of some use in the farm office .
27 Now erm some of this films might be of some interest .
28 Quilts were what you lay on to sunbathe that summer , not for warmth on beds , but slung for lounging comfort as it might be on some Damascus rooftop .
29 ‘ I in no way dissent from this reasoning , but I should myself have been content to derive the same conclusion from the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or in paragraph ( a ) upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
30 ‘ the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or … upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
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